Aug 31, 2017

Nutriad Manager Receives Aqua Award in Asia

Allen Wu awarded for his outstanding services and contribution to WAS-APC

The World Aquaculture Society (WAS), founded in 1969, is considered the world’s largest aquaculture society with currently more than 3,000 members in about 100 countries. It seems fair to say it is a good representation of the global aquaculture community. To meet address the local industries better, the WAS has created Chapters in the United States, Japan, Korea, Latin American and Caribbean region and the Asian-Pacific region called (WAS-APC).

A member since 2002, Allen (Ming-Hsun) Wu, Regional Manager Aquaculture APAC of Nutriad was elected as Board Director of World Aquaculture Society – Asian Pacific Chapter (WAS-APC) for 2015-2017. He served as a member of Industry relationship committee of WAS since 2012 and as member of the Asia-Pacific Aquaculture 2013 steering committee. He presented at the World Aquaculture editions of 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009) and at the Asian- Pacific Aquaculture editions every year since 2007-2017. He judged the student presentation at World Aquaculture Adelaide 2014 and chaired a session at World Aquaculture 2015. Mr. Wu furthermore contributed to membership promotion/exhibitions of SE Asia and China. He will be a steering committee member of APA18, which will be held in Taipei in 2018.

Dr. Endhay Kusnendar, President of WAS-APC presented an appreciation award to Allen Wu for his outstanding services and contribution to WAS-APC during his last board meeting in APA18 in KL, Malaysia on July 26, 2017.

Stated Wu: “I am honored to form part of WAS and to be able to actively contribute to to WAS and to the progressive development of our industry at the same time.”

Nutriad delivers products and services to over 80 countries through a network of own sales offices and distributors. Supported by 4 application laboratories and 5 manufacturing facilities on 3 continents. Find out more

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