Courtesy of Mathews Company

Mar 23, 2023

Mathews Company launches grain handling products

New line includes bucket elevators and distributors manufactured in Illinois.

Mathews Company (M-C)has launched its new grain handling product line which includesbucket elevatorsanddistributors.

Manufactured at its global headquarters in Crystal Lake, Illinois, the bucket elevator features heavy-gauge welded and hot dip galvanized construction, as well as the use of premium components.

availabl mc的新斗式提升机生产线e in sizes ranging from 1,500 to 14,000 bushels/hour and has been sized to optimize grain flowrates through standard spouting sizes of 6 through 16 inches.

Similarly, thenew distributorfeatures solid welded construction that is hot dip galvanized, includes a large access door for maintenance, and a mounting port to install an optional blower for dust control.

Available in 4-, 6- or 8-port configurations with spouting sizes ranging from 6 through 16 inches, the distributor product lineup features numerous options.

Additionally, an optional maintenance platform and various control options are available.

"We are excited to introduce these new additions to the market which will give producers high quality and competitively priced options to choose from," saidJoseph Shulfer,president of M-C. "We’ve learned that the industry has struggled to keep up with demand, so we will help ensure availability of premium choices for producers making improvements to their grain site operations."

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