New on-site testing solution for mycotoxins in grain and grain co-products
Envirologix Inc.commercialized TotalTox™, designed to be a fast easy-to-use on-site testing solution for mycotoxins in grain and grain co-products.
TotalTox™ mycotoxin tests for aflatoxin, DON (vomitoxin), fumonisin and zearalenone are currently available as single strip kits or in a comb format.
“Through our close partnerships with the world’s leading grain, feed, and grain processing companies, we heard and acted on the need for a better solution for testing multiple mycotoxins on-site," says Bill Welch, EnviroLogix CEO.
“TotalTox™ offers a combination of accuracy, speed, and protocol simplicity for testing multiple mycotoxins that is truly a breakthrough compared to market alternatives. Since the TotalTox™ tests for aflatoxin, DON, fumonisin, and zearalenone share the same protocol for corn testing, screening for multiple mycotoxins is quick and minimizes chances for operator error.
TotalTox™ tests enhance the benefits of the QuickScan™ system. By testing for multiple mycotoxins and utilizing the trend analysis functions unique to the QuickScan™ system, one can make data informed decisions on what toxins to test for based on regional risks and what suppliers to closely monitor based on historical delivery quality.
“QuickScan™系统上的TotalTox™测试正在改变传统反动计划的霉菌毒素风险管理的范例,以数据驱动的积极计划,”战略发展副总裁Rob Mcpheters说。“而不是等待来自复合样品或加工材料的实验室,霉菌毒素污染可以在收获开始时由卡车进行评估。可以使用QuickScan系统的数据管理功能来绘制毒素趋势。通过评估收获的上游和早期的总霉菌毒素质量,可以优化收获剩余收获的测试计划,以降低测试的成本,同时降低不合适的玉米采购的风险。“
不仅TotalTox™工具提供最快的results using a common water-based extraction, but the kits also have certified performance. Unlike alternative solutions, the TotalTox™ kits are FGIS-AMS (formerly GIPSA) certified (the TotalTox™ zearalenone certification is pending).
But the innovation doesn’t stop here; additional mycotoxins will be added to the TotalTox™ product line and continued software enhancements will be made to the QuickScan™ system.
Envirologix Inc.是霉菌毒素和GMO测试的主要生产商,服务于食品和饲料安全市场。该公司继续为其市场提供创新解决方案,是第一个为谷物中筛选霉菌毒素筛选提供LFD技术。Envirologix对科学创新的承诺,为今天的身份保存和食品安全环境提供了特殊的解决方案,仍然是TotoutTox霉菌毒素检测试剂盒的商业化的最前沿。
Mar 01, 2022