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Feb 08, 2022

Feed & Grain Announces Safety Vest, Cash Giveaway

Donning safety vests at the grain elevator or feed mill helps your staff stand out to visitors and each other

Nothing’s more exciting than the thrill of victory, especially when the prize is cold, hard cash. If you’re attending the GEAPS Exchange conference and trade show in Kansas City from March 26-29, you may be lucky enough to experience just that!

Each day of the expo,Feed & Grainwill be giving away $100 to two attendees on the trade show floor. All you need to do is get caught wearing a neon yellow safety vest that will be handed out at Feed & Grain’s Exchange Booth 1612.

Vests will be available to pick up any time during trade show hours, but no one knows when our staff will surprise an unsuspecting vested attendee with the cash prize.

Entrants must be fully wearing the vest at the time of the giveaway to be eligible. In addition to receiving $100, the winner will be photographed at our booth and announced on social media.

The contest is not only a fun way forFeed & Grainstaff to engage with you at the show, but also to encourage grain handling workers to start every shift by focusing on personal safety.

Wearing high-visibility garments is intended to distinguish workers clearly from the environment. It’s required attire for those who work near traffic, which could potentially apply to grain facilities under OSHA’s General Duty clause.

Donning safety vests at the grain elevator or feed mill helps your staff stand out to visitors and each other, which can help in accounting for everyone in case of an emergency lockdown, extreme weather event or confined space entry incident.

Grain bins and boot pits require a permit to enter and an attendant to oversee, but the inside of a dark space could render you invisible without any reflective attire. That’s why it’s important to consider the right PPE for the job, as well as other factors, before entering any grain bin. You can learn more about recommended confined space entry practices in this issue on page 16, “Mind the Small-Space Details.”

To learn more aboutFeed & Grain’sVest Giveaway Contest, including official rules, visitfeedandgrain.com/blog/vestgiveaway. And be sure to visit us at Booth 1612 in Kansas City for your chance to win! ■

Elise Schafer

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

Combi-zone Dryer

  • Gentle and precise drying
  • High energy efficiency at a lower cost per ton

MCP Pellet Mill Controller

  • Production control that can increase efficiency by up to 15%
  • Consistency can increase pellet quality by up to 15%

Ultra-Veyor with Smartflow

  • Moves bulk by air, maximizing accessibility for any drying, storage or production facility
  • Move grain safely, quickly and easily, without elevator legs or portable augers


  • Web-based merchandising system
  • Allows commercial grain customers to originate grain more efficiently


  • Digital solution with dynamic environmental footprinting of feed and animal protein
  • Identify opportunities for improvement, without compromising cost and nutrition

DuraCinch™ Strapping System

  • Designed to secure grain covers in extreme elements for major grain pile storage
  • Custom-fabricated to fit piles of any shape and size


Marketwatch: Feb, 08

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