Mar 24, 2022

VIDEO: Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week Offers Training Resources

NGFA的吉姆·塞伯特(Jim Seibert)关于如何参加以谷物安全为重点的网络研讨会活动4月4日至8日

Grain operations managers seeking training resources can count on站立4谷物安全周for five days' worth of online education. Brought to you by theAlliance- 致力于安全的行业团体的合作,例如NGFA,谷物处理安全委员会和GEAP, -registration现在就开放,对处理谷物并想访问网络研讨会系列的任何人免费。

In thisFeed & Grain Chat,,,,Jim Seibert, NGFA's Director, Safety, Training & Education, shares the event's details and why safety is so important when handling grain.

Transcription of Feed & Grain Chat with Jim Seibert, Director, Safety, Education & Training,National Grain and Feed Association

Elise Schafer,,,,editor of Feed & Grain:Hi and welcome toFeed & Grain Chat。I'm your host Elise Schafer, editor ofFeed & Grain

这个版本的Feed & Grain Chat由Watt Global Media和FeedAndGrain.com带给您。FeedAndGrain.com是您提供谷物处理和饲料制造业最新新闻,产品和设备信息的来源。

今天,我加入了Zoom,由Jim Seibert,安全,教育和培训主任Jim Seibert加入National Grain and Feed Association。他今天在这里讨论站立4谷物安全周being held April 4-8, 2022. So let's get started. Hi, Jim, how are you?

Jim Seibert, director, Safety, Education & Training, NGFA:I'm doing well. Elise, how are you doing?

Schafer:Thank you for coming on today. Now, before we get into the details about this year’s Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week, can you point out some of the biggest safety issues surrounding grain handling?

Seibert:I can, and unfortunately many of them continue to repeat year after year. So at the National Grain and Feed Association, we continue to focus our efforts on the ones that prevent the most potential SIF — serious injury or fatality.

Our focus is on elevated work, lockout tagout and energy isolation, bin entry, both material handling and mobile equipment operations. There's a lot of categories that that surround those as well, such as hot work permitting, dryer operations, over the road vehicles, shuttle loading operations. Really, when you think of a country elevator, the main focus is in and around those specific programs that have the most effect and provide the most SIF potential.




Wednesday we're going to cover weather hazards such as extreme cold and heat and significant weather events and provide some techniques to best protect workers from heat related injuries.


Friday is a slips, trips and falls, crushed, struck-by type hazards that can be associated with areas around the facility where grain loading and unloading operations take place.

Schafer:Great, that's a lot of ground to cover in one week. And this program is really unique in how it integrates virtual learning with some in-person, or that one in-person opportunity at the kickoff. How can facilities host a local Stand Up 4 Safety event?

塞伯特:实际上很容易。去。Click on theresources在页面顶部的标签,您将选择planning resourcesfrom the selection that'll that'll drop down. In there you're going to find materials, promotions and instructions on how to run your own stand up event at your facility.

就识别而言,回到首页上,您还会看到识别 -认出your participation tab — click that link and fill out the the form that's there and send that in and you'll receive a participation certificate for your facility.





Schafer:Great. Now, you've touched on the registration site. Does this cost anything?

塞伯特:It's absolutely free and you register like I described before from the website and it is at no cost to you.

Schafer:In closing, Jim, will you give viewers the top reasons why they should dedicate their resources and time to participate in Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week?

塞伯特:In partnership with the Grain Handling Safety Coalition, GEAPS and the NGFA, we've been able to, year after year, listen to our member companies and gain the pulse of of the industry. Our members are our driving focus, so as they share information with us, you know, we gathered from them, we take it into account when we begin to plan for the next event the following year.

我们提供纬度est information in a usable fashion. We're able to source speakers better, they're on the leading edge of equipment design, safety procedures and facility operations.


Schafer:Well, Jim, thank you so much for your time today. And I encourage everyone watching to visitstandup4grainsafety.organd登记。You can also find information on the event'sTwitter,,,,FacebookandLinkedInpages. Or you can search #standup4grainsafety. That's all for this edition ofFeed & Grain Chat。谢谢您的宝贵时间,吉姆,谢谢大家的观看!


-Elise Schafer


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