“这使我们能够确保表面消毒的可用性,”代表卫生部,福利和体育部国家电晕工作组协调员Niels Maijers说。
自从COVID-19病毒的全球迅速传播以来,对酒精进行消毒的需求(对表面进行消毒)的需求显着增加,欧洲的许多卫生机构都面临着迫在眉睫的短缺。上周,嘉吉决定将其在欧洲的酒精生产为这场危机服务,并首先向荷兰政府捐款60,000升。这种消毒的酒精是由其在Zeeland的Cargill Sas Van Gent工厂的员工生产的。
“嘉吉不仅供应ingredie必不可少的食物nts for humans and animals, but also alcohol for the drink and health industry," says Alain Dufait, Managing Director Cargill Europe. "Our people are working around the clock to keep our factories operating at full capacity across Europe. It’s no easy task because at the same time, we’re also strengthening our hygiene measures so that our people can do their jobs safely. We take our responsibility to continue to supply the food and health industry very seriously. In addition, we want to do our bit to help the government to optimally support and care for all sick patients. This will also enable medical staff to work more safely."
”We are also currently investigating how we can support the authorities in other European countries -- such as Italy, Belgium and Germany -- from our European factory network," he continues. "In the meantime, a global network has been set up within Cargill to supply the production companies with the necessary protective clothing and hygiene products so that our people can continue to work safely."