Steve Records, GEAPS executive director, stopped by to discuss highlights of this year's Exchange in Kansas City
Feed & GrainGEAPExchange Chats是了解正在发生的事情的最佳方式2022 GEAPS交易所和世博会今年在莫堪萨斯城举行。
Steve Records,GEAPS执行董事已停止讨论今年的交流和参与当地GEAPS章节的重要性。
Transcription ofSteve Records, GEAPS Executive Director.
饲料和谷物:What about the GEAPS Exchange are you most excited for this year?
Geaps Exchange是我们拥有的Pinnacle事件,我实际上非常兴奋地让每个人都在一个准Covid世界中一起回到一起。
记录:For first timers coming to GEAPS Exchange, and for anyone new to the industry, I would encourage you to come to GEAPS Exchange.
这听起来很自私,我知道。但是一个thing that we pride ourselves on is as the industry association is, when we think about people coming into the industry, more and more, we're every every facility, every company is dealing with labor shortages, every company is dealing with experience shortages, people are coming to a co-op or an elevator or a supplier, without the perhaps industry experience that they once brought people coming into an elevator or coming off of the farm any longer.
When you think about the backgrounds and experience of people coming into the industry, regardless of role, it's very different. And then that's compounded with the idea that our industry has a number of people getting ready to retire over the course of the next five years.
That's a very long intro to say, at GEAPS, what we can do is help those new people really lessen the learning curve with regard to how to do the job right.
GEAP' core value is to say we're here as an industry, we're going to live our industry mission together, we're going to help people do their jobs better, be safer, go home at night, feed the world. And that's really what we take pride in being the the central hub for.
F&G:What is happening with the Exchange's Education Program?
Scott Downey from Purdue University is going to lead throughhow to build strategic relationships而这意味着不仅适用于合作社,而且是为了销售给合作社的人。
We have innovation stations, where during the expo, you can go and sit and learn and see demonstrations of people bringing new things to the industry.
Of course, we believe that inherently just talking to people, whether you're speaking to someone at a booth or you're connecting with someone over your favorite drink at reception, that learning is occurring all the time.
We did an analysis to show that the vast majority of people that not only are members but potential members are all within the majority are within an 8- to 10-hour drive of Kansas City.
The last time we were in Kansas City was 2017. It was the biggest show that we had had to date. We fully expect the show to to be on par with that one as well.
In between large events, whether it's our leadership conference in the summer or the GEAPS Exchange in the spring, chapters have routine meetings.
记录:I'm going to skip that question and give you two things, we've brought in a keynote speaker to really talk about resilience.
Those are all things that are on everyone's mind, regardless of role, regardless of tenure. That's what our keynote speaker will focus on to start our conference Sunday morning.
Then at the end, there's a closing ceremony and we're kind of excited about bringing something fun to do. The彼得森农厂兄弟们who are a little bit of a viral hit in and around Kansas that do song parodies about agriculture.