Dec 20, 2018

Ag Gateway Announces New Leadership, Releases Report

Report summarizes recent achievements in streamlining how information moves through the supply chain

AgGateway has announced its 2019 leadership, including the directors of its Strategic Board and Operational Management Board, and leaders of its councils and committees.

The non-profit organization fosters collaboration among its 200 member companies, and with global standards organizations and industry partners, to improve how agricultural information can be used to maximize efficiency and productivity.

"The scope and depth of what AgGateway teams are working on continues to be impressive and impactful. With this new slate of leaders, 2019 promises to be a strong year for digital ag solutions," says AgGateway President and CEO Wendy Smith. "These individuals and their companies are demonstrating their leadership in promoting and enabling the industry's transition to digital agriculture."

AgGateway has also released its2018 Annual Report, which summarizes recent achievements in streamlining how information moves through the supply chain.

"This year the organization released new standards in precision irrigation, remote sensing, and specialty chemical sales reporting - to name just a few," says Smith. "We saw increased adoption of the ADAPT framework for interoperability in field operations; an energetic, organization-wide approach to challenges of traceability; increasing application of standard identifiers to grease the skids of seamless data exchange; and "Quick Connect" sessions to boost implementation among ag retailers, manufacturers and distributors."

2019 Leadership

Strategic Board of Directors

Chair: Tim McArdle, COO, Brandt Consolidated

Vice-Chair: Jeremy W. Wilson, Technology Specialist, Crop IMS

Past Chair: Doug Farrington, Digital Farming, BASF

Teddy Bekele, Vice President, IT, WinField United, Land O' Lakes

Jeff Belding, Business Excellence Champion, RiceTec

Dennis Daggett, President, Enterprise Ag Strategies LLC

Chris Langley, Head of IT, Crop Protection NA, Syngenta

Marcy Morris, Director of IT, CHS

Dan Willey, CIO, Wilbur-Ellis

Wendy Smith, President & CEO, AgGateway

Operational Management Board

Chair: Randall Kasparbauer, John Deere

Eric Hoefing, ACS

Michael Carrabine, IRM

Stephanie Frazier, Dow/DuPont (interim)

Michael Thronson, Control Systems

Aaron Berger, AgSense (interim)

Ann Vande Lune, Key Cooperative

Sarah Moster, BASF

Brent Kemp, AgGateway

For more information and to view a full list of members,

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

BinRite Grain Identification System

  • Prevents accidental mixing of different types of grain and oilseeds
  • Advanced sensors, mounted in multiple locations throughout conveying system, analyze hundreds of
    images per second to identify corn, soybeans and red wheat with 99% accuracy

BBU Big Bag Unloader

  • Designed to discharge difficult products, such as fine powders
  • Many options, including vibrating table, bottom massage paddles or side massager,can be configured with modular system

Batch High Shear Mixers

  • Equipped with Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) technology
  • Deliver powders in efficient manner for quick wet-out and complete dispersion into low-viscosity liquids

GrainDrive™ T1000 Tube Conveyors

  • Three model sizes with capacities from 4,000 to 10,000 bushels/hour
  • Inclines are supported up to 45° with inlets and discharge transitions available in 0°, 30° and 45° increments

Combi-zone Dryer

  • Gentle and precise drying
  • High energy efficiency at a lower cost per ton



US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

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