Feb 08, 2022

USGCEducates Corn Buyers Globally

2021/2022的玉米收获质量Report now available to buyer’s worldwide

Offering the latest education on U.S. corn — from crop quality to storage solutions for challenging environments — is at the forefront of theU.S. Grains Council’s发展中市场的使命,实现贸易并改善生活。



USGC全球战略与贸易经理Kyle Gilliam博士说:“在过去的11年中,USGC每年都提供该报告。”


2202 FG全球连接博士Vijay博士由USGC
伊利诺伊大学(左)的维杰·辛格(Vijay Singh)博士进行了一项湿铣削审核,分析了美国 - 奥丁玉米淀粉的提取性。照片|USGC


The report, based on 610 samples taken from defined areas within 12 of the top corn-producing and exporting states, showed the 2021 crop was planted earlier than average and experienced a mostly warm growing season. Overall, 65% of the crop rated a good or excellent condition, nearing record-high yields.



The report showed this crop had lower-than-average protein concentration than the five-year average; lower average stress cracks than 2020 and the five-year average; and a similar average 100-kernel weight compared to the five-year average.

Nearly 99% of the samples tested below the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) action level for aflatoxins.


The 2021/2022 U.S. corn crop is expected to be the second largest (382.6 million metric tons/15,062 million bushels) on record. It also has the highest average yield on record (11.11 metric tons per hectare or 177 bushels per acre), according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE).

The 2021/2022 Corn Harvest Quality Report provides information about the quality of the current U.S. crop at harvest as it enters international merchandising channels.


The full report can be viewed atgrains.org/corn_report.

USGC的2202 FG全球连接委员会工作人员
USGC的工作人员于2021年11月访问了正在进行玉米存储计划的埃及。该计划的目标是使用USGC赞助的曝气设备,以改善在炎热气候下美国玉米的整体存储性。从左到右的照片:普渡大学的Klein Ileleii博士;USGC全球战略与贸易经理Kyle Gilliam博士;USGC全球贸易经理Reece Cannady;USGC中东和非洲地区总监Ramy H. Taieb;和埃及进口商的雇员。照片|USGC

Egyptian storage project


Working with customers on the ground to identify a problem and solve it firsthand sets USGC apart when promoting the advantages of its member-produced commodities.

Recently, in Egypt, USGC helped tackle concerns about long-term storage of U.S. corn in the country’s hot, humid environment, working with Dr. Klein Ileleii from Purdue University to conduct a corn storage program to improve conditions and the overall storability of U.S. corn there.


The data collected will be compared to a warehouse that does not use the equipment to show the economic and grain quality benefits of using these mechanisms in storage facilities.



“Egypt is a 10 million metric ton (MMT) per year import market,” Gilliam says. “With this program and the continued relationship with the grains importing leader, combined with USGC’s industrial starch program highlighting the superior performance of U.S. corn in wet milling, we were able to see four vessels of U.S. corn traded into Egypt last year — approximately a $60 million investment.

“The hope with this program is to show the Egyptians how they can properly store U.S. corn and anchor at least 1 MMT of exports to Egypt annually.”

The corn storage project will continue for one year in Egypt as USGC gathers data. Additionally, USGC plans to roll out this program in other countries and companies around the world where storage conditions negatively impact the image of U.S. corn.

Wet milling project

Complementary to the storage program, in 2019, USGC worked in Egypt to conduct a starch program that focused on how industrial wet millers can see an increased profit from using U.S. corn over that of other origins.

帮助Egyp最著名的公司之一t improve its industrial starch plants’ operations, USGC connected the Cairo-based company with high-level starch consultant, Dr. Vijay Singh of the University of Illinois.

“Dr. Singh’s consultation began in 2019 as he helped the starch producers evaluate their facilities and identify processes that could improve their overall operations and plant profitability,” Gilliam says.

“The results of USGC’s industrial corn starch study were shared with the starch company via a virtual conference in 2020. The findings showed that U.S. corn can extract 3% to 4% higher yields of starch versus corn of other origins, which can have a significant impact on the plant’s overall profitability.”

In June 2021, Dr. Singh and Gilliam traveled to Cairo to help the Egyptian starch company understand the technology and science associated with corn wet milling through an audit that analyzed the starch extractability of U.S.-origin corn.

The study’s results show that starch companies processing 1,500 metric tons per day of corn can gain about $1 million in additional profit for every 1% of increase in starch yield. But to reach that gain, technology must be optimized.

Through one-on-one meetings and tours of the facilities, Dr. Singh was able to review the company’s procedures, collect samples and provide specific recommendations for improving its wet milling operations. Optimization of the wet milling process also allowed for the discussion of U.S. corn benefits.

“Dr. Singh’s technical expertise helped provide reassurance that U.S. corn and coproducts are an available and reliable source in Egypt,” Gilliam says. “We are working to continue to build long-term trust in this competitive market.”

Through programming and projects in regions around the world, USGC continues to exhibit the quality of U.S. corn while building trust in their markets.

Corn sales to Egypt increased by 830% in the 2020/2021 marketing year for a total of 451,500 metric tons, or 17.7 million bushels. Egypt is the second-largest market for U.S. corn in the Middle East region. ■

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide


  • Prevents accidental mixing of different types of grain and oilseeds
  • Advanced sensors, mounted in multiple locations throughout conveying system, analyze hundreds of
    images per second to identify corn, soybeans and red wheat with 99% accuracy


  • Designed to discharge difficult products, such as fine powders
  • 许多选项,包括振动桌,底部按摩桨或侧按摩器,can be configured with modular system


  • Equipped with Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) technology
  • Deliver powders in efficient manner for quick wet-out and complete dispersion into low-viscosity liquids

GrainDrive™ T1000 Tube Conveyors

  • 三个型号尺寸,容量为4,000至10,000蒲式耳/小时
  • 倾斜度最多可容纳45°,并以0°,30°和45°的增量可用的入口和放电过渡。

Combi-zone Dryer

  • Gentle and precise drying
  • 高能效率,每吨成本较低


Marketwatch: Mar, 26

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.1928
high: 7.2696
low: 7.1928

US Soybean Price Idx:zspaus.cm

high: 16.629
low: 16.3972
close: 16.5898

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 10.133
high: 10.2858
low: 9.9793
close: 10.2355


open: 10.1704
high: 10.3439
low: 10.0264
close: 10.293