Mar 28, 2022

OSHA Proposes Change to Electronic Injury Reporting

Changes to the high-hazard industries classification system may be on the way

source:Occupational Safety and Health Administration

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration isproposingamendments to its occupational injury and illness recordkeeping regulation,29 CFR 1904.41. The current regulation requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness information – that they are required to keep – to OSHA. The agency uses these reports to identify and respond to emerging hazards and makes aspects of the information publicly available.

In addition to reporting their Annual Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, the proposed rule would require certain establishments in certain high-hazards industries to electronically submit additional information from their Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, as well as their Injury and Illness Incident Report.

As part of OSHA’s mission to protect workers and mitigate workplace hazards, this rule would improve OSHA’s ability to use its enforcement and compliance assistance resources to identify workplaces where workers are at high risk. The proposed rule would also advance the department’s mission to empower workers by increasing transparency in the workforce.

The proposed rule would:

  • Require establishments with 100 or more employees in certain high-hazard industries to electronically submit information from their OSHA Forms 300, 301 and 300A to OSHA once a year.
  • Update the classification system used to determine the list of industries covered by the electronic submission requirement.
  • Remove the current requirement for establishments with 250 or more employees not in a designated industry to electronically submit information from their Form 300A to OSHA annually.
  • Require establishments to include their company name when making electronic submissions to OSHA.

机构certai 20或更多的员工n high-hazard industries would continue to be required to electronically submit information from their OSHA Form 300A annual summary to OSHA annually.

Submit comments online使用摘要。在联邦eRu osha - 2021 - 0006lemaking Portal.Read the Federal Register noticefor details. Comments must be submitted 60 days after the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register.

Learn more aboutOSHA’s Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements.

Learn more about OSHA.

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