Jul 21, 2020

麻代表任命Ag Policy Committee

Kevin Latner, National Industrial Hemp Council senior vice president for marketing, will advise on trade policy matters

source: National Industrial Hemp Council

National Industrial Hemp Council Senior Vice President for Marketing Kevin Latner was appointed to the Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) for Processed Food Products by United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Sony Purdue and United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer.

The Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee is comprised of senior representatives from across the U.S. agricultural community who provide advice to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative on trade policy matters including the operation of existing trade agreements and the negotiation of new agreements. Members of the six Agricultural Technical Advisory Committees (ATACs) provide technical advice and guidance from the perspective of their specific product sectors.

Latner will be the only voice providing advice and technical guidance to the committee for hemp.

“NIHC很荣幸被选为桌面上的声音来代表大麻农民和大麻行业的利益,”国家工业大麻委员会董事会主席Patrick Atagi说。“通过在扩大市场准入的贸易方面,捍卫美国在工业大麻生产中的领导是至关重要的。NIHC参与ATAC反映了我们支持农民和生产者贸易利益的承诺,我们期待凯文将代表全国大麻交付的良好工作。“

The six Agricultural Technical Advisory Committees for Trade (ATAC) are managed jointly by the United States Trade Representative’s office and the United States Department of Agriculture. The Processed Food Products’ Committee objectives include advise, consult with, and make recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture and the United States Trade Representative on matters that are of concern to the United States and to its consumers, producers, processors, and traders of processed foods in connection with the trade policy activities undertaken by the United States.



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