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First Australian Canola Cargo Sails to U.S.

Drought, Ukrainian war cause tightness in world oilseed supplies

A cargo of Australian canola is on its way to the U.S. in what is believed to be the first bulk shipment of the oilseed to North America, reportsGrain Central.

The shipment of around 33,000 tonnes left the Port of Portland in Victoria on Saturday, and is sailing direct to Stockton, CA.

The impact of drought last year on U.S. and Canadian canola production, exacerbated by the effect ofRussia’s invasion of Ukraineand Black Sea sunflower seed and oil exports, have caused extreme tightness in world oilseed supplies.

While the North American canola crop is looking on track at this early stage of the growing season, it appears domestic supplies beyond the heartland of production, namely the Canadian Prairies and the northwest U.S., are hard to find.

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide


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Marketwatch: Apr, 05

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US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

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