Midwest Shippers Association (MSA) and the Northern Food Grade Soybean Association (NFGSA) form SSGA
The Midwest Shippers Association (MSA) and the Northern Food Grade Soybean Association (NFGSA) have consolidated to form the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA), effective immediately.
“Selling ag commodities globally continues to be increasingly more difficult,” says Tom Slunecka, chief executive officer for Ag Management Solutions (AMS), which will handle management of SSGA. “It’s important to have a strong, focused organization that has the resources necessary to compete with other global entities. The consolidation of NFGSA and MSA positions SSGA as a new force to be reckoned with.”
SSGA represents producers, processors and shippers of and industry members of identity preserve (IP) soybeans and specialty grains. SSGA’s board will be comprised of directors from the two former boards; its members include specialty grains and IP soybean producers, processors, genetic/seed providers, export traders, international export companies, and qualified state soybean boards (QSSBs).
“One of the most vital pieces of selling specialty soya and grains is to have a strong and flexible transportation system,” says SSGA board member Andy Bensend, a Wisconsin farmer who formerly served as chair of MSA. “We’re excited for our SSGA members coast-to-coast. This consolidation will allow us to provide the production, processing and shipping resources our members need while maximizing the efficiencies of our two boards.”
鲍勃罪人,主持NFGSA consolida之前tion, says the time was right for the two organizations to join. “In order for farmers to have successful options to grow and sell value-added crops, it’s vital that this new organization be focused on helping our members find markets and our customers find our products,” says Sinner, president of North Dakota-based SB&B Foods. “SSGA is committed to providing the resources necessary for our members to thrive, and for our customers to easily find those high-quality products.”
SSGA received a $1.5 million Agricultural Trade Promotion grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to begin operations. This one-time opportunity was created as part of the larger Trade Mitigation Program, which President Donald Trump and USDA crafted to help farmers hurt by the trade war with China.
“Aided by the grant from USDA, SSGA will begin the process of creating a new electronic marketplace that will communicate to buyers around the globe in ways that have never been done before,” says Slunecka.
Specialty Soya and Grains
SSGA is a national alliance of companies focused on production, processing and shipping of specialty soya and grains worldwide. Its mission is to provide resources that communicate the quality, diversity and availability of their products.
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