
Jul 23, 2020

USDA Releases Report on Investigation into Beef and Cattle Price Spread

Report goes beyond analyzing market reaction and examines other responses, including policy actions proposed by industry groups and steps Congress could take

File Photo

Jul 23, 2020

China Needs U.S. Soybeans

China has increased purchases of U.S. soybeans over past week to cover needs for this fall

Jul 22, 2020

USDA Attachés Lower Wheat Forecasts

Hot and dry weather continue to be a concern in several areas of eastern Europe into Asia

Jul 21, 2020

Crop Conditions Reported Better Than Expected

While there are still pockets of concern, crops came through last week’s hot spell mostly in decent shape

Jul 20, 2020

Monday Mycotoxin & Crop Report for July 20, 2020

Tropical Storm Fay brings heavy rains to parts of the Mid-Atlantic

Jul 20, 2020

Grains Struggle With Weather Versus Demand

Increased exports of soybeans are expected as U.S. remains most competitive global origin

Jul 17, 2020

Weekly Export Sales Report

Next week's new crop sales will be quite strong given daily announcements of China in recent days

Jul 16, 2020

Ethanol Production Shows Modest Growth

Over last three weeks, recovery pace in ethanol production has slowed dramatically

Jul 15, 2020


Brazilian soy production seen expanding


Monday Mycotoxin & Crop Report for July 13, 2020

Check out the first Monday Mycotoxin & Crop Report of the season


What Opportunities Might Kenya Provide U.S. Agriculture?

Kenya would be second FTA partner that U.S. has on the continent of Africa, following Morocco which came into effect in 2006

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Phase 2 Trade Deal No Longer on Agenda

Trump says relationship with China has been severely damaged by actions around coronavirus epidemic

Jul 13, 2020

Overview of USDA’s July Reports

USDA confirmed larger old-crop corn supplies amid weaker demand

Jul 10, 2020

Beef & Pork Supply Chain Recovering

The story has shifted from dire predictions of meat shortages to one of potential oversupply, soft demand and a relative return to normal

Jul 10, 2020

USDA July WASDE & Crop Production Reports Hit Today

New-crop balance sheet is poised to show a hefty carryout

Jul 9, 2020

U.S. Weekly Export Sales

Soybeans are expected to make a comeback in 2020 with China’s growing hog herd the key reason

Jul 8, 2020

Further Cuts to Russia, Ukraine and EU Wheat

USDA will likely account for the smaller crops coming out of the EU and Russia in its report this Friday

Jul 7, 2020

USDA Crop Conditions Mostly Stable

Changes expected in USDA June Report

Jul 6, 2020

Ag Markets Begin Week Higher on Midwest Weather Forecast

Crop conditions are likely to be steady to possibly slightly lower when reported later this afternoon

Jul 4, 2020

One-Third of CFAP Payments Now Out the Door

$9.5B in funding has been offered as financial support for producers impacted by COVID-19-driven supply, demand and revenue disruptions

Jul 2, 2020

Grains Pause, Watching Weather Going Into Long Holiday Weekend

Corn usage was still almost 35% below 460M bushels seen in same month last year

Jul 1, 2020

Markets Move Higher After Surprising Acreage Report

USDA reduced the planted corn acreage estimate by 5 million acres

Jun 30, 2020

USDA Crop Condition Report Highlights

Corn crop was rated 73% good to excellent up from 72% last week

Jun 29, 2020

U.S. Food Exporters Sign Safety Declarations

Exporters are sending safety letters with cargoes instead of Covid-19 free declarations

Jun 26, 2020

Markets Steady Going Into July Option Expiration at Friday's Close

Impact of the economic slowdown adds uncertainty to June crop report

Jun 25, 2020

USDA, FDA Push Back on Export Requirement

China wants guarantee of coronavirus-free cargoes; American exporters reluctant to sign

Jun 25, 2020

Lighter Traffic Deepens HTF Shortfall

A long-term commitment to invest in our aging infrastructure is essential to the overall health of the industry

Jun 24, 2020

Simple Installation of Temporary Grain Storage Systems

Changing marketing patterns, largely driven by COVID-19, may create higher capacity demand this harvest season

Jun 24, 2020

Brazil Corn Estimates Increased

Potential increase to Brazil’s corn crop is yet another blow to prices

Jun 23, 2020

Dust-Free Bagging Solution Helps Feed Company Grow

United Animal Health needed to upgrade its packaging operations

Photo: Premier Tech

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide


  • Continuous ambient air dust monitor
  • 24/7 trend monitoring in key areas to detect and alarm of dust events

5185年的海啸Gate Covered Hopper

  • Allows for customized discharge speed control to fit shipping needs
  • Specifically made for grain

Flake Boss 2.0

  • Collection of equipment and automation applications designed to provide a superior steam flaked grain
  • Accurate analytical data allows precise adjustments to various processes involved in the production of steam flaked grain


  • Intelligent railcar unloader robotic arm
  • Unload sticky dry bulk materials like DDGs and meals from railcars

Auger Feeders

  • Auger-type screw feeders
  • Industrial-grade bearings

BinRite Grain Identification System

  • Prevents accidental mixing of different types of grain and oilseeds
  • Advanced sensors, mounted in multiple locations throughout conveying system, analyze hundreds of
    images per second to identify corn, soybeans and red wheat with 99% accuracy


Marketwatch: Apr, 10

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.3572
high: 7.4683
low: 7.3093
close: 7.4283

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 15.9894
high: 16.2624
low: 15.9882
close: 16.2588

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 10.2646
high: 10.5565
low: 10.2346
close: 10.5306

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 9.7092
high: 9.9318
low: 9.6941
close: 9.9167