Impact of the economic slowdown adds uncertainty to June crop report
China wants guarantee of coronavirus-free cargoes; American exporters reluctant to sign
A long-term commitment to invest in our aging infrastructure is essential to the overall health of the industry
Changing marketing patterns, largely driven by COVID-19, may create higher capacity demand this harvest season
Potential increase to Brazil’s corn crop is yet another blow to prices
Record high soybean ratings in some Western Corn Belt states could not offset sharp rating declines in the East
United Animal Health needed to upgrade its packaging operations
Bunge's Woodland, CA, facility needed to achieve on-demand flow when handling rice bran
China’s increased inspection process could have big impact on global food shipments
Sales for 2019/20 tended toward disappointing, but still were on pace to meet export forecasts
More newly built pig farms have started production
U.S. soybean export sales for the week ended June 4 were largest in at least 16 months
Corn crop conditions slipped to 71% good to excellent from 75% last week
Increased use of soybeans is expected to continue to be the trend
Next potential market mover will be acreage report at end of June
USDA may still have to lower their corn for ethanol usage forecast
Rose Acre Farms installs seven flat-bottom cantilever reclaim systems into all of its storage silos
Australian report shows big wheat production numbers
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Plantings are wrapping up in timely fashion and condition ratings improved this week
South American production outlook is expected to be trimmed
Traders looking at weather and potential exports
US soybeans have become the most competitive in the world through January
Global corn exports for May were 12.2 million tonnes
Better ratings in the western Corn Belt, lower ratings in parts of the eastern Corn Belt due to excess rainfall
Changes provide flexibility in length of time for repayment and rehiring as well as how loan proceeds must be spent
Could derail trade deal two countries have worked on for almost two years
Improved corn crop outlooks for U.S. and China helped to trigger upward revision
With heightened China/U.S. political tensions, China is reported to have purchased 10-14 cargoes of Brazilian soybeans
Corn conditions are in line with average season-starting conditions over last 10 years