Jul 28, 2020

USGC Elects Chairman During Virtual Summer Meeting

Jim Raben, a farmer from Illinois representing the Illinois Corn Marketing Board, is elected as chairman of the Board of Directors

source: U.S. Grains Council

The delegates of the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) elected Jim Raben, a farmer from Illinois representing the Illinois Corn Marketing Board, as chairman of its Board of Directors at its 60th Annual Board of Delegates Meeting, held virtually on Tuesday.

“It’s always been my way to cultivate relationships because together we are stronger, our collective voices are heard more loudly, and we can work together to achieve our common goals,” Raben said in his incoming remarks.

“USGCl works around the clock and around the globe to find and expand new pockets of demand for the products we offer. That’s why I’ve chosen for my theme Building Relationships, Building Trade.”

Raben has been working on his family farm since 1973, more recently with help from his two sons. He spent nine years on the Illinois Corn Marketing Board before joining USGC’s board in 2015 as an at-large member. Raben has also previously served as the Board liaison for various USGC Advisory Teams (A-Teams).

The delegates elected as secretary-treasurer Joshua Miller of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council. Additionally, Don Duval, Illinois Corn Marketing Board; Duane Aistrope, Iowa Corn Promotion Board; and Verity Ulibarri, United Sorghum Checkoff Program, were elected as at-large directors.

The full USGC Board of Directors is now as follows:

  • Jim Raben, Illinois Corn Marketing Board - Chairman
  • Chad Willis, Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council - Vice Chairman
  • Joshua Miller, Indiana Corn Marketing Council - Secretary/Treasurer
  • Duane Aistrope, Iowa Corn Promotion Board - At-Large Director
  • Brent Boydston, Bayer Crop Science - At-Large Director
  • Don Duvall, Illinois Corn Marketing Board - At-Large Director
  • Greg Hibner, J.D. Heiskell Hawkeye Gold - Agribusiness Sector Director
  • Wayne Humphreys, Iowa Corn Promotion Board - Corn Sector Director
  • Jim Massey, United Sorghum Checkoff Program - Sorghum Sector Director
  • Tadd Nicholson, Ohio Corn Marketing Program, State Checkoff Sector Director
  • Rick Schwarck, Absolute Energy - Agribusiness-Ethanol and Co-Products Sector Director
  • Mark Seastrand, North Dakota Barley Council - Barley Sector Director
  • Verity Ulibarri, United Sorghum Checkoff Program - At-Large Director
  • Ryan LeGrand, U.S. Grains Council - President and CEO

Outgoing Chairman Armstrong said in remarks to the delegates that USGC is fortunate to have many qualified individuals passionate about the agricultural industry in leadership positions at USGC.

“Our new chairman, the Board of Directors and the Board of Delegates provide excellent insight into the challenges and opportunities in the international trade arena,” Armstrong said.

USGC’s meeting continues Wednesday with Advisory Team meetings in the morning and a closing general session in the afternoon, featuring presentations by U.S.-China Business Council President Ambassador Craig Allen and former Assistant Trade Representative Sharon Bomer Lauritsen.

More from the meeting is available on social media, using the hashtag #grains20.

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Marketwatch: Feb, 14

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