Combination of lower transportation costs, farm values from previous quarter causes decrease
Through the third week of November, the U.S. has sold 831.4 million bushels of soybeans
Trade disruptions and large fall crops have had biggest impacts on grain markets this year
Many of these newer destinations require a different logistics approach
Country poses unique trade barriers
Food giant Smithfield Foods will harness gas from hog manure lagoons to heat homes
Facility produces flours, bakery mixes, and bran and wheat germ
U.S. lawmakers are very close to reaching a consensus
St. Lawrence Soyway Company will process soybeans into livestock feed
Sale will preserve competition in specific areas of Ontario
Corn harvested was 94%, near 96 last year and 97 for the five-year average
Provincial government announces special assistance support plan for producers with financial hardship
项目采取了独特的挑战grain handlers faced during this year’s harvest
Investments will result in increased rail capacity, expansion of storage capacity
Andrew Kenny will join the company effective January 2, 2019
Department of Energy is reviewing scoring system for applications
A deeper-draft lower Mississippi River will save $5 per metric ton in ocean freight
More beans in storage could impact price of 2019 crop
Facility will handle about 4 million tons of Canadian grain and specialty crop exports near Vancouver port
Andy Sharpe succeeds René Steiner, who will be retiring after 50 years
Provides insight into current markets for chicken, turkey and egg products around the globe
Outbreak makes it easier for buyers to keep shunning U.S. cargoes
Company is investigating future grain or feed mill infrastructure opportunities
Over the past 10 years, global human wheat consumption has increased 90M metric tons
Topics include process flow from particle size reduction to batching and mixing and more
Soybean producers unable to sell their crop because of rain, tariffs
Company sees significant business growth in Thailand
New technology uses fermentation and is similar to the ethanol production process
Ports handle relatively small share of Ukrainian grain
More than 51,000 metric tons of soybeans have been shipped out through Port of Oswego