对美国农业expor仍然潜力巨大ts to Cuba, including corn, sorghum, barley and their co-products, but so do steep trade challenges, U.S. Grains Council staff learned on a recent industry mission to the country.
USGC staff from the Western Hemisphere office participated this month in the Cuba and U.S. Agriculture Business Conference in Havana to learn more about current U.S. export and import policies regarding Cuba, investing in Cuban agricultural production and creating a viable and long-term trade relationship between the two countries. The three-day conference endeavored to increase sales of U.S. agricultural commodities and boost cooperation.
USGC has been involved with Cuba many times over the years, sending a delegation to the island nation as recently as 2015 to examine the market potential for the U.S. grain trade and the financing possibilities the U.S. could offer the country.
The recent mission continued this outreach focused on ag trade. Taking a page from U.S. companies already successfully doing business in Cuba, including Marriott and Jet Blue, meeting attendees pooled their knowledge and know-how to better understand the political and commercial situation to find ways to facilitate U.S trade to Cuba. Comprised of Cuban agribusiness leaders and farmer cooperatives and members of the U.S. ag sector - including corn, soybean, wheat, rice, poultry and potato industries – the mission participants had high hopes to begin to hash out the barriers between the two countries.
USGC区域营销专家Catalina Correa说:“在古巴没有简单的答案,西半球参加了会议,“然而,尽管政治现实是政治现实,但土壤仍在为如何迈向更高的经济发展方面做好了更大的讨论。两国。
According to the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, the United States has sold $5.7 billion in food and feed to Cuba since 2000, when an amendment to the trade embargo allowed agricultural sales for cash. U.S. farmers and agribusinesses would like to expand the market, but because the Cuban government is not allowed to make purchases on credit, there are still barriers to getting food and feed grains to the country of 11.4 million people.
Maintaining a consistent dialogue with Cuba is an important part of USGC's programs with the country's ag sector.
USGC总裁兼首席执行官汤姆·莱克(Tom Sleight)最近还与美国大会会议结合了纽约市的古巴新总统Miguel Diaz-Canel。
“In many ways, meeting President Diaz-Canel reminded me of the early days of the reopening of the Cuban market back in the late 1990s,” Sleight said. “President Diaz-Canel was open and affable. The barriers to expanded U.S. trade are considerable, yet the desire on both sides to keep talking was sincere.”