Aug 14, 2018

Minnesota Crops Impacted by Drought Conditions

Dry conditions are starting to deteriorate crops

One of the worst things in Upper Midwest agriculture is watching once-promising crops deteriorate day by day because they're not getting needed rains.

That's what Drew Parsley, a Warroad, MN, farmer, has been doing the past few weeks, reportsAg Week.

Soybeans, spring wheat and barley are top crops in Roseau County, MN. But turfgrass seed, used primarily for lawns and golf courses, also is a major crop there.

The ryegrass was hurt by unusually high temperatures and produced what Parsley calls a "very average" crop.

The edible beans and soybeans are hanging in the balance.

"Our best crops typically are in the dry years. But there gets to be a point where it's too dry, and that's where we're getting now," Parsley toldAg Week.

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Marketwatch: Oct, 11

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 6.7072
high: 6.8801
low: 6.7072
close: 6.802

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 13.4192
high: 13.4827
low: 13.2187
close: 13.2316

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 9.6198
high: 9.96
low: 9.5673
close: 9.8266

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 8.5223
high: 8.8298
low: 8.4473
close: 8.7123