
LDC Takes Steps Toward Supply Chain Sustainability

Company commits to eliminate deforestation and conversion of native vegetation from all its supply chains by 2025

Louis Dreyfus Co. (LDC)在2025年底之前,已承诺从其所有供应链中消除高保护价值的森林砍伐和转化。


“Ensuring sustainable agriculture and food production are among the world’s most pressing global challenges, and our commitment to zero deforestation and conversion of native vegetation is essential in addressing these challenges,” says Michael Gelchie, LDC’s CEO.

“To achieve our target, we believe in a collaborative approach that takes into account the needs and concerns of all supply chain participants, particularly farmers, on whose production activities we all depend for global food security, and whose methods are key to the conservation of natural resources and habitats.”

An important enabler of the group’s biodiversity conservation and decarbonization targets, the commitment is in continuity with its initiatives in recent years, such as the creation of a dedicatedCarbon Solutions Platform, and the development of product-specific sustainability codes and policies stipulating LDC’s commitment to conserve forests and native vegetation for commodities considered to be higher risk in relation to deforestation – namely coffee, palm and soy.

“Eliminating deforestation and native vegetation conversation associated with agriculture is among the most significant contributions we can make to the world’s 1.5°C Paris Agreement target to limit global warming," says Gelchie.

"The commitment is therefore a key step in LDC’s efforts to contribute to a net-zero economy through a decarbonization roadmap that includes action to drive down emissions within our own operations as well as in our value chains – in this case upstream, at the farm level."

Next steps toward implementation will involve risk assessments across supply chains, as a basis to prioritize actions with a focus on supply chains and regions with higher deforestation and conversion risks, with regular reporting on progress.

“This commitment is aligned with LDC’s track record of transparency and public reporting on supply chain risks and efforts to mitigate these, which we feel will be complemented by a commitment to complete avoidance of deforestation and native vegetation conversion with a clear timeline,” said Guy Hogge, LDC’s Global Head of Sustainability.


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