Apr 01, 2020

GEAPS Offers COVID-19 Tips

Some advice and suggestions to implement at your grain facilities

source: GEAPS

By now, everyone is experiencing some level of social distancing efforts. With the agriculture industry being exempt from most of these efforts in the United States, many elevators and similar facilities are operating with a ‘business as usual’ perspective.

Here are some suggestions fromGEAPSto consider implementing within your facilities.

Practice social distancing on-site

  • 限制人位于在任何一个领域one time. This might mean staggering lunch and coffee breaks, or having different designated locations for breaks.
  • Have employees keep a reasonable distance apart if possible. Six feet is a common standard.
  • If farmers or other people are coming onsite, stay inside vehicles or meet in open areas if at all possible.

COVID-19 sanitation basics

  • Have employees wash their hands before and after breaks. If washing facilities are not available, be sure to provide hand sanitizer.

  • Clean break and common meeting areas each day. Use cleaning products that will kill and disinfect germs.

  • Clean utilities that might be shared by employees on a daily basis. These can include fridges, microwaves and coffee makers. This approach can also be applied to equipment that is shared or touched by multiple employees throughout the day, including: mobile radios, computers for customer tickets, grain grading equipment, timeclock areas and door knobs.

  • For employees that are driving, have hand sanitizer available in every vehicle.

While these efforts cannot guarantee COVID-19 will not impact your employees, they are steps to limit its impact.

Check with your HR department regarding policies on what to do if any employee reports signs or symptoms of COVID-19.

Taking precautions now should help ensure you have a healthy and motivated workforce when spring planting season fully starts.

For more COVID-19 updates from GEAPS, visitgeaps.com/covid-19.

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide


  • Continuous ambient air dust monitor
  • 24/7 trend monitoring in key areas to detect and alarm of dust events

5185 Tsunami Gate™ Covered Hopper

  • Allows for customized discharge speed control to fit shipping needs
  • Specifically made for grain

Flake Boss 2.0

  • Collection of equipment and automation applications designed to provide a superior steam flaked grain
  • Accurate analytical data allows precise adjustments to various processes involved in the production of steam flaked grain


  • Intelligent railcar unloader robotic arm
  • Unload sticky dry bulk materials like DDGs and meals from railcars

Auger Feeders

  • Auger-type screw feeders
  • Industrial-grade bearings

BinRite Grain Identification System

  • Prevents accidental mixing of different types of grain and oilseeds
  • Advanced sensors, mounted in multiple locations throughout conveying system, analyze hundreds of
    images per second to identify corn, soybeans and red wheat with 99% accuracy


Marketwatch: Apr, 05

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

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high: 7.231
low: 7.1268
close: 7.2207

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

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low: 15.3601
close: 15.4469

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 9.7345
high: 9.8139
low: 9.6664
close: 9.8136

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

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high: 9.4001
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close: 9.3526