大麻政策在2018年的农场账单中大大转变,该法案合法化了生长和加工大麻。这是本条例草案的通过以来已经几年了 - 行业现在在哪里?种植者和处理器可以使用哪些机会?如果他们有兴趣扩展这个行业,人们在哪里开始?
罗里·克鲁斯,Sweetwater Hemp Co.
Rory Cruise一直在农业工作28年,并在商业建筑和维护到植物和土壤健康的各个方面知识。2017年,巡航开始研究和规划,并于2020年建立了Sweetwater Hemp公司,作为世界上最大的无能冰水开采设施,提取高质量的Terpenes和大麻素。巡航具有越来越多的HEMP的知识,并使用尖端设备制作最纯净的全谱油和高质量的HEMP产品。
Andrew Potter,联合创始人兼首席执行官,蓝蓝的天空大麻冒险
拥有超过15年的资本市场和战略规划经验,Andrew Potter以早期识别主要趋势和主题而闻名。2017年,他联合创立了Blue Sky Hemp Ventures,抓住了加拿大新兴大麻行业和对健康食品、可持续工业产品和合法大麻日益增长的需求提供的机会。4年过去了,蓝天大麻风险投资公司正在迅速成为全工厂利用的世界领导者,实现波特的零浪费运营愿景,为合作伙伴、人类和地球带来价值。
Wilson Johnson brings deep agronomic knowledge coupled with a locals ‘lay of the land’ and is responsible for watching over up to 20,000 acres of hemp through Blue Sky’s farmer-partner network, along with the 8000 acres that have been in his family for 4 generations. A Bachelor of Plant Science graduate from the University of Saskatchewan, Johnson is an accomplished agronomist and entrepreneur. He founded consulting firm Soil Sense Inc. in 2004, and co-founded precision ag-tech software company FieldAlytics Solutions Canada in 2017, just prior to joining Blue Sky Hemp Ventures as chief agronomist. Johnson has a strong passion for sustainable agriculture and is extremely excited about the opportunities that hemp brings to producers, processors, consumers. He is also a board member at the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance.