
COFCO Commits to Sustainable Soy Supply Chain


COFCO International致力于使其大豆供应链没有森林砍伐并于2030年在南美对环境敏感地区的土地转换,包括亚马逊和塞拉多。

The 2030 target would cover the Amazon rainforest region, Brazil's Cerrado savannah belt and the Gran Chaco zone, which spans parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay, COFCO International's Chief Executive Wei (David) Dong said in asustainability report该公司周一出版。




It has committed to achieve a deforestation and conversion-free soy supply chain by 2030 in sensitive regions of Latin America, through farm-level traceability and monitoring of all purchases.

And it has joined a COP 26 industry pledge to reduce supply chain carbon emissions in line with efforts to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees, with a major focus on eliminating deforestation.

公司的2021 Sustainability Reportexplores its progress and achievements while recognizing opportunities for improvement and highlighting the action still needed to achieve sustainable agriculture and transform the global food system.

Five core areas of sustainability strategy

Progress is reported against the five core areas of its sustainability strategy: connecting supply and demand, taking care of its people, managing its environmental impact, building strong communities and upholding standards.

2021 highlights include:

  • Through the软商品论坛, all direct soy suppliers traced within 61 municipalities in the Cerrado
  • 100%的直接Matopiba大豆供应商评估for social and environmental risks
  • $3.9M revenue generated from 670,000+ decarbonization credits (CBios) fromRenovabioprogram
  • Developed a Diversity Committee in Brazil where the company employs over 7,000 staff, offering training to over 70% of its managerial positions
  • 78% increase in EHS training for contractors
  • 其工业运营水强度降低了5.4%;确定其全球水风险评估发现的确切行动
  • 5.5% reduction in absolute GHG emissions including through 3.4% decrease in the energy intensity of its industrial operations
  • Participation in the shipping industry’s Getting to Zero Coalition for cleaner fuels and the Sea Cargo Charter for standardized emissions reporting
  • 36,000+ people benefited from its community programs, reaching 20% increase compared to 2020
  • 所有的可追溯性目标都根据其最初的23亿美元可持续性贷款达到欧洲,以及新的7亿美元贷款,以进一步推进其可持续大豆和棕榈油采购活动

Global grain traders' sustainability efforts

像其他全球谷物贸易商一样,COFCO International此前已承诺对大豆作物进行更大的审核,以帮助减少巴西的土地清除,这被指责为减少生物多样性并为全球变暖做出贡献。

邦格已承诺eliminating deforestation in its overall supply chain by 2025,尽管一些巴西公司已经宣布其采购是无森林砍伐的。



ADMalso made a commitment to achieve100% deforestation-free supply chains by 2025, five years earlier than previously targeted.

The accelerated timeline applies to direct and indirect sourcing of all commodities from every country in ADM’s supply chain.

“Our goal is to end deforestation in the shortest time possible, and the new target date for deforestation-free sourcing demonstrates our对可持续,道德和负责任的生产的持续承诺,” said Chief Sustainability Officer Alison Taylor.


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