董事长兼首席执行官胡安·卢西亚诺(Juan Luciano)表示:“每天,ADM都专注于保持员工的健康安全,同时确保我们继续支持世界的粮食供应。”“与此同时,我们认为,继续为未来计划并保持良好的长期管理者和我们的星球的长期管理至关重要。我们知道,自然资源的健康对我们的未来至关重要。世界各地的消费者也知道这一点,他们明确表示,他们期望自己的食物和饮料来自共享价值的公司生产的可持续食材。我们非常关心我们的合作伙伴,客户,员工,我们的股东和地球,这就是为什么我们为自己设定这些雄心勃勃的排放和能源目标的原因。我们的未来将对这些目标更加强大。”
The new goals follow on ADM’s original “15x20” plan, unveiled in 2011, in which the company committed to per-unit improvements in energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, water and waste to landfill by 2020. After meeting those goals ahead of schedule, ADM engaged WSP Global, one of the world's leading engineering professional services firms, to conduct an in-depth feasibility study to help shape a new set of commitments to combat climate change.
“Our new goals are ambitious yet achievable,” Luciano continues. “The greenhouse gas emissions we’ll save will be the equivalent of those from charging every single smart phone on the planet 250 times. This is going to have a real impact, and is a key way in which we’re going to continue to give our customers an edge in meeting the market challenges of today and tomorrow.”
ADM的新目标是wide-ran只有一个元素ging plan to pave the way on sustainability. In 2019, ADM’s Board formed a new committee on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility, offering guidance, leadership and oversight at the highest level for its sustainability and corporate citizenship efforts. The company is increasingly using technology –- such as satellite imagery -– as it maps its supply chains. And in December, ADM was shortlisted as a Sustainability Champion by the Food Ingredients Innovation awards for its work promoting and supporting sustainable agricultural practices among more than 12,000 smallholder farmers in Brazil and Paraguay.