May 05, 2020


Company gives $800,000 in donations to organizations focused on addressing needs during COVID-19

source: ADM


“We are proud to take part in Giving Tuesday’s efforts to unite companies, individuals and communities around the world to tackle the great challenges brought on by the global fight against COVID-19.”

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“These are unprecedented times, and ADM is committed to doing our part to help address the tremendous need around the world right now,” said Chairman and CEO Juan Luciano. “We are proud to take part in Giving Tuesday’s efforts to unite companies, individuals and communities around the world to tackle the great challenges brought on by the global fight against COVID-19.”

The $800,000 in total contributions are in addition to more than $1M previously committed to COVID-related relief efforts, and are directed to various local organizations with a direct impact in communities and regions where ADM has a large presence. For example, in ADM’s global headquarters base in Chicago, the company is focusing on food scarcity issues through partnerships with the Greater Chicago Food Depository, Lawrence Hall, The Bigger Table and The Trotter Project. ADM is also providing funds to support a partnership with Rutgers to advance virus mitigation research and medical support in parts of Europe, Asia Pacific and South America.

通过ADM在乎捐款了。ADM Cares helps sustain and strengthen communities where ADM colleagues work, live and operate by directing funding, volunteerism, and industry knowledge to initiatives and organizations that drive meaningful social, economic and environmental progress worldwide. ADM Cares focuses its efforts primarily in three areas: Advancing Sustainable Agriculture; Increasing Food Security; and Investing in Education.

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  • Accurate analytical data allows precise adjustments to various processes involved in the production of steam flaked grain


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Auger Feeders

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  • Industrial-grade bearings


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  • Advanced sensors, mounted in multiple locations throughout conveying system, analyze hundreds of
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Marketwatch: Apr, 05

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US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

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