“It’s an interesting time for agriculture with lots of opportunities out there andthe financial resources have to be managed relatively well,” says David Oppedahl, economic researcher with Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, noting that repayment rates are rising, and they have been seeing fewer renewals or extensions. “It’s a better financial climate than it was a year ago.”
在过去的18个月中,谷物电梯和饲料工厂都为资本收购和设备投资提供了融资,谷物处理人员越来越多地寻找营运资金的信用额度,以资助保证金的电话和谷物购买。When there’s a lot of volatility in the market during a short period of time, margin calls increase the demand for credit because grain handlers must have access to funds quickly to make sure their grain inventory and hedges position is in compliance with various state and federal regulations.
“As commodity prices swing, elevators require a bank with the capacity and size to meet its needs in a changing environment,” says Mitch Ferree, Regions Bank’s South Indiana City president. As an example he point to the last few months as commodity prices have jumped 30 to 40%. The result: grain elevators requesting more credit in short window.
Increased crop volumes, market volatility and the overall growth of agribusiness have catapulted middle-market country elevators into a position where their borrowing needs have skyrocketed. Many find they have grown their local commercial bank because it is unable to provide large lines of credit or, for risk exposure, it chooses not to.
“[Commercial banks] may not have the money or expertise to be a banker for the growing operation,” explains Stephen Hatz, Bank of the West’s agribusiness area manager based in Omaha. “The owner of a reasonable operation needs to make the decision to move on. There comes a point where [grain elevators] can very quickly outpace the financial ability of the bank and outgrow its management ability.”
如果有必要将您的业务转移到新的银行,借款人需要评估其潜在贷方和财务能力,以满足公司的长期和短期需求。银行对行业的声誉,一致性和知识有很长的路要走,但是电梯应该确保 - 尤其是在这些动荡的时期,他们正在与一家可实心银行合作,该银行可以提供并满足其未来的其他需求。
“两端都是一个挑战,”费里说。“Both must have a good understanding of what’s taking place in the market to be able to adjust to changes in a fluidly, i.e. the lender needs to move quickly and adjust to their needs without disrupting the elevator’s flow of operation, and the borrower must be able anticipate the need for the credit to be able to get things done in a timely manner.”
Take a step back and take an objective look at your business and its needs. For example, how much outstanding debt does your company have? Do not borrower every dollar made available to your company.
科班克地区农业综合企业银行集团执行副总裁艾米·盖尔斯(Amy Gales)解释说:“借款人在这个新的波动世界中想要做的最后一件事是借用的效果超出了它的处理方式。您仍然需要一些垫子才能出乎意料。如果您遇到了一段持续波动的时期,则需要增加运营贷款,并且可以在短时间内食用垫子。”
Potential borrowers should have a firm financial package prepared before approaching a bank. The key items include:
- 经过审核的财务报表
- Three years of previous year-end audited statements
- 借贷基地以及借贷基础以与上一年的陈述相匹配
- 历史损失陈述
According to Hatz, there are two kinds of quality paperwork: the technical quality, i.e. the level to which their year-end financial statements are prepared by third-party audit/accounting firm; and then the information you get on an interim basis, presented in the same format as year-end, but in a concise format and delivered in a timely manner.
Before approaching a bank, make sure you have thoroughly evaluated how you’re going to repay the loan. Prepare a feasibility study to prove to the lender that you have taken a long-term look at your business and have a firm idea of where it is headed. The feasibility study will show what the balance sheet look like before and after the expansion; demonstrate how you will handle volatility; and highlight how you have planned for the unexpected.
“In this day and age with demand for credit that is out there, quality of management is vital providing to the needs of that customer," Hatz says. "It's a variable of opinion but you would want a high regard for management to handle controversial situation and changing ones.”
盖尔斯对此表示赞同:“我1号的事情s management. If we have a lot of confidence that manager is able to pull the resources together — despite difficult circumstances — we’re going to be willing to stretch with them.”
“这可能就像统计通信或对未来计划的见识一样无聊,但最终是访问管理层的重要项目。” Hatz说。“数字为您提供了一部分,但沟通将更好地立场。”
• Succession plan:如果是家庭行动,请制定继承计划。贷方想知道他们将在贷款过程中与谁合作。
•现场访问:To give the banker a sense of what the company is trying to accomplish and show off your pride of ownership, plan a facility tour. Lenders will also want to evaluate the faculty’s location.