A new method developed by scientists at the Office of the Texas State Chemist, the state agency that regulates the distribution of feed and fertilizer in Texas, will reduce the cost of testing, improve sensitivity to toxin levels and speed up turnaround. The project to develop this new method was led by Dr. Wei Li, postdoctorial research associate at the Office of the Texas State Chemist, and will also help gain insight for future research into the mechanics of how fumonisin forms.
Fumonisin is regulated in corn because it can cause diseases in livestock and horses when ingested. The mold by-product is also a threat to human health. The International Agency for Research on Cancers has declared fumonisin B1,,,,the most abundant form of the fumonisins, to be a group 2B carcinogen, or possibly carcinogenic to humans.
Considering their widespread prevalence and potential toxicities, fumonisin B1(FB1),烟丝B2(FB2) and fumonisin B3(FB3),在美国工业工业的食品和药物管理局(FDA)制定中,包括自然污染的玉米中发现的主要烟丝素。
高效液相色谱法涉及的一个最严重的问题d the cost of acetonitrile according to the director of the Office of the Texas State Chemist, Dr. Tim Herrman. The cost of this single reagent has increased in price over 10-fold and has been rationed, where back orders are common place for the past few years. The reagent is a by-product of the plastic manufacturing industry that has been impacted by a number of factors including the global recession.
In 2009 Li was hired to research and establish a fast and reproducible quantification method that would solve the office’s two main problems. He achieved this by reducing the sample extraction, derivitization and cleanup process and replacing the nearly $1,000 per case reagent with methanol, a more economical reagent which runs about $50 per case.
“Li’s method includes running the isotope labeled internal standard with every sample in addition to creating a calibration curve and using a control at the beginning and end of each set. Running the isotope with every test increases the reproducibility of measuring fumonisins FB1,FB2和fb3。。”
Future grain research will benefit from the improved sensitivity and level of detection (LOD) offered by mass spectrometry. Both the LOD and level of quantitation (LOQ) has improved 50 fold compared to HPLC. The improved sensitivity, the ability to test FB1, FB2 and FB3 simultaneously and quick turnaround of results will cut down on the time and expense researchers encounter when exploring new methods to control fumonisins.
Universities such as Iowa State University and Purdue with grain quality research initiatives may invest in the type of system Li invented in the years to come.
“By operating on or near the technology frontier through the adoption of new instrumentation, we can provide much better service at a lower cost,” says Herrman. “We have experienced a significant return on capital investment through the adoption of a technology strategy that ultimately reduces cost and enables the office to not raise tonnage fees that pay for the regulatory service we provide for consumers and agribusiness. We’ve been able to hold our tonnage rates steady for the past six years and I don’t anticipate that we will need to raise fees in the foreseeable future.”
“Good regulation is good for everyone,” says Herrman. “I like to refer to it as the currency of confidence. As long as consumers have confidence in the marketplace and agribusiness has confidence that they are competing on a level playing field, commerce will happen. When people lose confidence in the safety or reliability of products, it impedes commerce. Poor regulatory oversight increases risk for industry, which in turn, may result in a firm’s decision not to invest or expand in a particular market.”
Through research, not only has the Office of the Texas State Chemist stopped using a very expensive reagent and cut costs, it has increased the reproducibility of results as well as level of detection and is an example of a regulatory body moving forward and making progress.