Apr 16, 2015

Soybean Sales Beat Expectations

Export sales showed a stark contrast between wheat and soybeans this morning. Can yesterday’s NOPA crush numbers and this week’s export sales help propel soybeans higher into Friday?

在一夜之间,玉米和大豆的交易范围相对较宽,但在早晨停顿大多没有变化。小麦在一夜之间增加了3 1/4美分,美元指数连续第三天继续滑梯。原油今天早上也将较低的百分比交易。


NOPA soybean crush came in well over analyst expectations with 162.822 million bushels of soybeans crushed in the month of March. Analyst expectations ranged from 150.5 to 159.5 million bushels with the average analyst guess expecting 155.261 MBU. The latest NOPA report marks the largest March soybean crush on record. Soyoil stocks were reported at 1.420 billion pounds well over analysts’ expectations of 1.383 billion pounds, but below last year’s levels of 2.023 billion pounds.

乙醇产量连续第二周下降,每周每天将乙醇产量提高到每天924,000桶。本周乙醇产量的每日12,000桶下降是10月以来2014 - 15年度生产以来的首次低于2013 - 14年的水平。尽管低于去年的每周产量水平,但今年的累积乙醇产量却增加了5.4%,而USDA预期增长了1.3%。本周,今年的乙醇股增加了162,000桶,达到2065万桶。

Cody Bills

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

Aqua Microfeed系统

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Ride-On Hopper Gate Opener

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Model FA Belt Cleaner

  • Multi-bladed spring arm conveyor belt cleaner
  • Available with 7 different blade materials ranging from urethane to stainless steel to tungsten carbide


  • For Paladin 2000 automatic roller adjustment system
  • Provides adjustable spacing between die and rolls to allow producers to set perfect distance for different recipes in one pellet mill


Marketwatch: Jun, 14

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.6995
high: 7.7394
low: 7.6068
close: 7.7167

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 16.7659
high: 16.8093
low: 16.5863

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 11.2626
high: 11.2901
low: 11.0257
close: 11.1615


open: 10.1116
high: 10.1794
low: 9.9562
close: 10.1341