Elected the most diverse board in shipping association's 93-year history
北美铁路托运人协会(NARS) elected new officers at its年度会议in May. The association also honored members with two major awards and chose its 2022 scholarship recipients.
The 2022–2023 NARS officers are: President Bruce C. Mann,休斯顿港;First Vice President John Meyers,DM Bowman Company;Second Vice President Kate Luce,密西西比州出口铁路;秘书雷·霍夫纳格尔(Ray Hufnagel),塑料快递;财务主管托里·斯塔基(Torri Stuckey),bp;and Immediate Past President Tom Tisa,CSX。
“I’m excited about the ability of our new board to continue to build on the past success of NARS," said Mann. "This is the most diverse board in the 93-year history of NARS.”
曼恩(Mann)说,几年前,凯特·卢斯(Kate Luce)是当时行业中为数不多的女首席执行官之一,他加入了NARS董事会。
"This year, it’s my honor, privilege, and pleasure to announce the addition of Torri Stuckey, who is the Head of North America Rail at bp, and is the first Black officer for NARS. Together with the rest of our board, I believe the future is bright for NARS," said Mann.
Each year, NARSrecognizes exemplary leadershipin the rail shipping community through the NARS Person of the Year Award and the Edward R. Hamberger Lifetime Achievement Award. For 2022, the NARS Person of the Year is Tom Tisa for his outstanding service both to NARS and the overall freight rail industry. Tisa is Head of Business Development at CSX and has served on the NARS board for many years—including multiple terms as president.
苏珊·考克斯(Susan Cox)是2022年爱德华·R·汉伯格(Edward R. Hamberger)终生成就奖的获得者。Cox自2019年以来一直担任西南铁路托运人协会(SWARS)的联合执行董事。她最近在雪佛龙Phillips Chemical Company和Phillips Petroleum Company服务了40年后退休。她在整个职业生涯中都是SWAR的活跃成员,并指导了许多同事,他们继续向她寻求专业建议。
“Susan spent her career at Chevron being a leader in the world of rail shipping. She was a highly respected colleague to other shippers and partner to railroads,” said Mann. "Over the last few years, serving as the co-executive director of SWARS, she has been a terrific resource for the industry and not only SWARS but NARS as well. We will truly miss her presence and voice.”
During the annual meeting, NARS announced its2022奖学金级别的获得者。根据他们的学术成就,课外活动和社区服务选择了10名大学生。它们是传统本科生的融合以及一些与运输行业相关的领域高级学位的融合。
The recipients of the NARS scholarships are:
• Kyra Cunningham, Pennsylvania State University
•宾夕法尼亚州立大学卡登·哈申斯塔布(Caden Hazenstab)
•大卫·欣克尔(David Hinkle),里海大学
• Usama Khalil, Rutgers University Business School
• Nicholas Mayorga, Liberty University
• Jackie Molina, University of Southern California
• Alayna Munoz, York College of Pennsylvania
• Denisha Philistin, George Washington University
• Nevil Thomas, Michigan State University
• Teleri Wilt, Massachusetts Maritime University