Feb 18, 2015

Can Soybeans Continue Higher?

The grains are trading slightly lower this morning after a positive day yesterday. Cold weather throughout the Midwest and an Egyptian tender has provided a bid under wheat.

In the overnight session corn traded down 2 ¼ cents, soybeans slipped 2 cents and wheat increased 1 ¾ of a cent. Be careful of soybeans hitting resistance during today’s trading session. We are currently trading near resistance from the lows of the soybeans channel that lasted from October through January. Though we could get continuation buying early on in the session, be careful of some selling pressure at these levels.

NOPA crush numbers were within analyst expectations for the month of January. In the report released at 11 AM CST, the National Oilseed Processors Association announced that 162.675 million bushels of soybeans were crushed in January compared to expectations of 162.673 million bushels. This month’s soybean crush was the largest ever in January topping last year’s January total of 156.943. Soyoil stocks were larger than expected at 1.228 billion pounds compared to expectations of 1.170 billion pounds.

Egypt has set a tender on Tuesday to buy an unspecified amount of U.S. origin wheat for April delivery. A tender from GASC has been expected to purchase U.S. wheat over recent weeks to take advantage of a 100 million dollar credit line provided by the United States.

弗朗西·格里默(Franceagrimer)的政府农场办公室将其法国小麦出口估计提高了1 MMT,欧盟以外的14/15将其估计至9.8,并将最终库存从上个月的4.34 MMT降低至3.63 MMT。欧盟小麦出口已经对俄罗斯出口途径提出了显着的步伐。在最新的USDA供求报告中,欧盟出口的出口也比上个月高1 mMT。


Cody Bills

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

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Marketwatch: Jun, 14

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

high: 7.7394
low: 7.6068
close: 7.7167

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 16.7659
high: 16.8093
low: 16.5863

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

high: 11.2901
low: 11.0257
close: 11.1615


open: 10.1116
low: 9.9562
close: 10.1341