Jan 20, 2015

Another Chinese Soybean Cancellation

The second soybean cancellation in five days is announced this morning which will weigh on soybean prices which are set to open below key support.

In the overnight session the grains traded lower with soybeans leading to the downside by 8 ¼ cents by the morning pause. Corn slipped 3 ½ cents and wheat slid 1 ½ cents on Tuesday morning. Soybeans are now trading below key support at $9.91 as higher than expected ending stocks coupled with lower than expected December soybean crush weigh on prices. This morning another cancellation from China including 174,000 metric tons of old crop soybeans will weigh on market prices in the early morning. This is the second cancellation in five days following last week’s cancellation of 285,000 metric tons. The USDA will release export inspections today at 10 AM CST due to the Martin Luther King holiday.

This morning China announced that its economy had grown at 7.4 percent in 2014 down from 7.7 percent growth in 2013. This year’s economic growth in China has been the slowest in nearly 27 years and increases the chances the government takes steps to stimulate growth to avoid a more serious decline.

In Brazil harvest has advanced to about 4.1% of the estimated 21.9 million acres only 1% behind the pace of last year’s harvest. Despite the dry spell that occurred in October these early planted crops are showing promising yields. The north eastern part of Brazil, which has been the driest this season looks to remain dry in the 6-10 day forecast. Despite the dry weather in the north, the southern growing regions have received above average precipitation this growing season which has helped offset the dry conditions in the north.

Cody Bills

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

Aqua MicroFeed System

  • Enables users to produce microfeed at 40% increased capacity
  • Optimized die can withstand higher pressure caused by smaller holes due to stronger construction, larger diameter and bigger open surface, and smart die base to create equal distribution of feed toward larger die

Metris Vibe

  • Wireless vibration and temperature sensor can monitor health status of mechanical equipment regardless of original manufacturer
  • Offers increased uptime, reduced maintenance, higher production reliability and improved safety

Ride-On Hopper Gate Opener

  • Operators can now control automated unit from a seated position
  • Designed for high-volume applications

Model FA Belt Cleaner

  • Multi-bladed spring arm conveyor belt cleaner
  • Available with 7 different blade materials ranging from urethane to stainless steel to tungsten carbide


  • For Paladin 2000 automatic roller adjustment system
  • Provides adjustable spacing between die and rolls to allow producers to set perfect distance for different recipes in one pellet mill


Marketwatch: Jun, 14

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.6995
high: 7.7394
low: 7.6068
close: 7.7167

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 16.7659
high: 16.8093
low: 16.5863
close: 16.6419

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 11.2626
high: 11.2901
low: 11.0257
close: 11.1615

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 10.1116
low: 9.9562
close: 10.1341