Apr 17, 2019

White House 5G Plans Move Ahead, Boosting Rural Internet

FCC plans to invest $20.4B into high-speed broadband networks over next 10 years

The Trump Administration and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are moving forward with plans that would help rural America with Internet connectivity, potentially boosting commerce for agriculture, reportsDrovers.

Duringan announcement at the White House on April 12, President Trump and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai laid out the vision for the “race to 5G,” along with a Rural Digital Opportunity Fund plan.

In addition to the 5G developments, FCC is also going to invest $20.4 billion into high-speed broadband networks across rural America during a 10-year period. The money would come from a yet-to-be-created Rural Digital Opportunity Fund.

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

BinRite Grain Identification System

  • Prevents accidental mixing of different types of grain and oilseeds
  • Advanced sensors, mounted in multiple locations throughout conveying system, analyze hundreds of
    images per second to identify corn, soybeans and red wheat with 99% accuracy

BBU Big Bag Unloader

  • Designed to discharge difficult products, such as fine powders
  • Many options, including vibrating table, bottom massage paddles or side massager,can be configured with modular system


  • Equipped with Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) technology
  • Deliver powders in efficient manner for quick wet-out and complete dispersion into low-viscosity liquids

GrainDrive™ T1000 Tube Conveyors

  • Three model sizes with capacities from 4,000 to 10,000 bushels/hour
  • Inclines are supported up to 45° with inlets and discharge transitions available in 0°, 30° and 45° increments

Combi-zone Dryer

  • Gentle and precise drying
  • High energy efficiency at a lower cost per ton

MCP Pellet Mill Controller

  • Production control that can increase efficiency by up to 15%
  • Consistency can increase pellet quality by up to 15%


Marketwatch: Mar, 23

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low: 16.3004
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US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

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