联合大豆董事会农民董事从AR的布林克利选举吉姆·卡罗尔三世(Jim Carroll III),担任12月11日的年度董事会会议主席。
此外,美国农业部宣誓就职,由农业部长桑尼·珀杜(Sonny Perdue)任命的19名新董事宣誓就职。
“We’ve made great strides to innovate beyond the bushel and infuse every opportunity we can into growing markets and creating new uses for soybeans,” says Carroll. “We have a lot to be proud of but also have tremendous potential to further demand as we continue our progress through wise and strategic investments. One of my priorities as Chair is to recognize the performance and sustainability of U.S. Soy and show our customers its many capabilities as a renewable alternative.”
USB leadership, with oversight from USDA, guides the activity of the national soy checkoff in accordance with the strategy outlined by the 78-member board. USB continues to focus on three priority areas for investment: meal, oil and sustainability.
During the meeting, they considered market impacts, challenges and opportunities that will affect soybean value, hearing from several key industry influencers. USB also recognized the American Soybean Association’s 100th anniversary at the meeting, noting its commitment to domestic and international policy issues important to the soybean industry.
“我们敬业的农民导演制定了一项策略,使美国大豆农民能够进一步实现其核对投资的回报。通过专注于改变消费者模式,质量改进,全球供应和需求观点,生物燃料和环境管理等领域,USB可以进一步发展已经成功的美国大豆市场,同时关注未来。” USB首席执行官Polly Ruhland说。“I look forward to working with our newly elected leaders to carry out this strategic vision.”
The board meeting included remarks from Ambassador Gregg Doud, Chief Agricultural Negotiator in the Office of the United States Trade Representative, who highlighted recent trade negotiations and opportunities for U.S. soybean farmers in the international marketplace. In addition, other important sessions included Global Landscape for U.S. Soy Prioritization, High Oleic Soybean Oil, What’s Next? and Capturing Carbon: Agriculture’s Advantage.
At the meeting, USB also elected nine directors to serve alongside Carroll on the Executive Committee.