Hawaiian startup Symbrosia raises $7 million to scale SeaGraze production for cattle producers
资料来源:Elise Schafer作者
突破性饲料添加剂,海草,由seaweed这减少了牲畜甲烷排放by more than 80% will soon come to market with $7 million in Series A funding. Hawaiian startup共鸣completed the world’s first commercial A. taxiformis seaweed trial in 2020, testing the feed additive on an organic farm in Dover Plains, NY, where drastic methane reduction was confirmed.
经过概念证明,该公司将重点转移到了夏威夷自然能源实验室的可扩展生产方面,将其重点转移到研发上(Nehla)Ocean Science and Technology Park. Symbrosia spent the next two years piloting a novel seaweed breeding and cultivation technology, which led to the development of strains that are significantly more productive, potent and resilient than wild seaweed populations.
The consistent year-round Hawaiian climate, aquaculture innovation ecosystem and the State's support have amplified Symbrosia’s success in Hawai’i. The company plans to max out production at its pilot facility, and build a larger production facility with the infusion of capitol.
资金回合,由达能Manifesto Ventures,将允许共泡盐将海藻生产增加1,000倍,聘请更多专家,并将海草掌握在全球牲畜生产商的手中。Symrosia的创始人兼首席执行官Alexia Akbay说,Seagraze将向创新的品牌和牛生产商销售它,以创建世界上最可持续的供应链。30 Under 302022年社会影响的接受者。
达能在筹款方面的投资和领导才能使其成为一致的目标碳中和到2050年,在其全价链中。达能(Danone)是世界领先的食品公司之一,是乳制品的全球领导者之一,全球约有100,000名员工,在120多个国家 /地区运营。
达能was one of the first 100 companies to align its carbon reduction trajectory with the Paris Agreement. In 2017, the company's emissions reduction targets were approved by the基于科学的目标计划与将全球变暖保持在2°C以下所必需的全球措施一致。
其他投资者包括以前的种子投资者,太平洋6and孵化,新投资者,Presidio Ventures, and new Hawaiian investors,Kamehameha学校and法力向上,以及当地的个人投资者,农民和海藻爱好者。