Why the future of protein production could be green and slimyQuick algae facts : Plant-based superfoodWorld’stop 10 single-cell organism investors
— ByElise Schafer
Algae may be the king of renewable super-plantswith myriad potential applications ranging from biofuels, pharmaceuticals and biofertilizer to animal feed and human food.
Algae grow faster than conventional crops and require fewer resources — only a little sun, water and CO2, making it one of the most sustainable raw materials on earth. In fact, 1 kg of algae biomass can store almost 2 kg of CO2while releasing 1.6 kgs of oxygen.
Algae’s sustainable qualities help it stand out as a frontrunner in the alternative protein game. As more restaurants, grocery retailers and food brands implement sustainability initiatives across the supply chain, algae-derived ingredients are poised to gain popularity.
“It doesn’t require arable land, which is a huge advantage over crops,” said Michael McGoldrick, market manager...