
May 17, 2022

Russia Tries Trading Stolen Grain, Ship Turned Away

Russians have already seized at least $100M in grain, destroyed grain storage

Last week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine demanded Russia stop illicit grain stealing, unblock Ukrainian ports, restore freedom of navigation, and allow trade ships to pass.

According to乌克兰政府,Russians have already seizedat least 400,000 to 500,000 tons of grain价值超过1亿美元。据众所周知,几乎所有来自塞瓦斯托波尔运输工具被盗乌克兰商品的谷物船只。

“乌克兰外交部强烈谴责俄罗斯联邦在处置从乌克兰农民非法扣押的谷物方面的行动。俄罗斯居民正在偷乌克兰谷物,要么自己食用,要么试图在国际市场上出售它,” MFA在评论中说posted on its website May 11.


A Russian merchant ship loaded with30,000 tons of stolen Ukrainian wheathas been turned away from at least one Mediterranean port and is now in the叙利亚拉塔基亚港, according to shipping sources andUkrainianofficials.

The MFA of Ukraine warned consumer countries that grain consignments exported by Russia could contain stolen grain obtained as a result of Russian occupation authorities' plundering.

Officials say Egypt was warned that the grain was stolen; the shipment was turned away. The Pozynich then went to the Lebanese capital, Beirut, with the same result.

CNNhas identified the vessel as the bulk carrier Matros Pozynich, which is one of three ships involved in the trade of stolen grain, according to open source research and Ukrainian officials.


In late April,Ukraine accused Russia of stealing grainin territory it has occupied. When asked about the allegations, the Kremlin said it had no information on the matter.

Much of what Russian has not stolen has been destroyed.CNNspoketo Anatoliy Detochka, owner of Golden Agro, whose grain storage complex near Rubizhne was destroyed on April 14.It burned for two weeks.


Detochka said at least two other elevators in the area were hit. CNN has obtained video of another grain silo being bombarded in Sylnelkove in Dnipro.

"We demand that Russia stop illicit grain stealing, unblock Ukrainian ports, restore freedom of navigation, and allow trade ships to pass," said the MFA of Ukraine.

"We urge the international community to strengthen economic sanctions against Russia in order to stop its military aggression against Ukraine, to avert a humanitarian disaster and the world's food security crisis."


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