该实验室位于Comarca Lagunera地区的Torreón, Coahuila,为墨西哥所有地区提供农艺和动物营养分析服务。
“The continued growth of Rock River Laboratory’s brand commitments and knowledge base through Rock River Laboratory - Mexico offers nutritionists, agronomists, producers and growers in Mexico access to accurate agricultural analysis, and in turn, industry progress,” says Zachery Meyer, Rock River Laboratory, Inc. director of operations. “Opportunities abound for other global businesses that rely on analysis to help their customers and need a reliable, consistent network to support those needs.”
新实验室使用近红外(NIR)技术提供分析服务,Rock River实验室广泛的、以研究为基础的分析校准,以及湿化学分析。
Rock River Laboratory-Mexico总经理Ken Buchanan解释说:“Rock River Laboratory-Mexico不仅致力于为我们的客户提供及时、准确的分析,而且通过我们与Rock River Laboratory, Inc.及其专家团队的合作,我们还致力于提供技术支持。”“我们要帮助我们国家的生产者和种植者改善他们的作物、动物性能和整体盈利能力。”