
Palital Doubles Production Capacity of Butyrates


Palital feed additives, manufacturer of additives for animal feed, doubled its production capacity of butyrates in January this year, to meet increasing demand for its products. The butyrate, sold under the brand name Intest-Plus, is one of the main products from the Palital range. Henry van den Bighelaar, Managing Director, explains: "The demand for butyrate is growing strongly, partly due to the rising demand for butyrate, but also because more and more people from the animal feed industry are finding their way to Palital.”

Rising demand for butyrate

The demand for butyrate as a feed additive is increasing worldwide, as there is growing opposition to the use of antibiotics in the production of animals for meat and milk. Livestock must be ‘clean’. It is not only governments that are increasingly wanting to limit the use of antibiotics,the consumer also wants a ‘clean’, reliable and safe piece of meat on the plate: meat that is antibiotics free.


The demand for Intest-Plus butyrate concepts is growing enormously. This is partly due to the change in mindset when it comes to antibiotic use, but also because Palital is an ambassador of ‘Clean Growth.’ Palital creates growth, without antibiotics, using products with a ‘clean label.’

Palital aims to expand and excel in the industry and that has not gone unnoticed. Palital produces all the butyrate itself in Velddriel, The Netherlands. Additionally, Palital is a flexible partner that offers a unique and patented production technology. Palital closely cooperates with the customer and its partners worldwide, supplying both standard products or custom made formulations.

Growth in production

由于对肠子以上的需求不断上升,棕榈对制造地点进行了修改,与去年相比,生产能力增加了一倍。“我们绝对走上了正确的道路,我们很高兴我们的产品在市场上受到赞赏,但我们还没有。我们的野心更大。我们希望继续增长并继续改善,因为不作为是一种选择”,亨利·范·丹·比格拉尔(Henry Van Den Bighelaar)说。

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