ATRI releases results of research to identify safest 18- to 20-year-old drivers
来源:USDA Grain Transportation Report
The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) recently released the results of its preliminary research to identify the safest 18- to 20-year-old drivers.
Reliable safety assessment is a critical component of expanding eligibility for interstate commercial driver’s licenses to younger drivers, as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has considered doing.
The research sample included 75 current commercial truck drivers, aged 20-60 years old, with diverse driving experience and safety performance.
After assessing the effects of various personality traits, the researchers found drivers in the safest group scored highest on “conscientiousness” and “agreeableness,” and lowest on “experience-seeking.”
Also, drivers in the “less safe” group appeared somewhat more sensitive to conflict, indicating difficulties with cognitive control.
Based on the success of its initial research, ATRI plans to expand the assessment to increase the sample of 18- to 20-year-old drivers and expand the range of traits assessed.
The full report on the preliminary research can bedownloaded here.