诺夫总统本·索尔兹(Nawg)总裁本·索尔茨(Nawg)总裁本·索尔茨(Ben Scholz)表示,北达科他州谷物种植者协会(NDGGA)已决定从NAWG当前财政年度结束的2019年6月30日起,自2019年6月30日起,从全国小麦种植者协会撤回其会员资格。
According to a statement from the NDGGA, the association made the decision "after months of careful consideration."
The NDGGA statement said NAWG still provides value to producers on a national level. "Our foremost focus is on North Dakota farmers, however, and at this time, we believe we can better reprsent their best interests by investing our resources elsewhere," the statement concludes.
"NAWG leadership and staff did everything possible to address NDGGA’s concerns, from private briefings to ramped up communications to our states to traveling to North Dakota with a third-party facilitator to address issues, and yet they have still decided to resign their membership," says Scholz. "As the president of a trade association, it always disappoints me when one of our members isn’t pleased with productivity."
他说:“ NDGGA选择将自己的优先事项置于国家组织之前,这不是国家协会能够有效运行的方式。”“过去两年,北达科他州通过扣留一半的会费,使他们的利益领先于全国所有小麦种植者,这使得很难执行该组织的整体任务。