A course in the Food and Drug Administration’s animal food safety regulatory requirements was held at Kansas State University February 7-9, 2017. The NGFA-KSU Food Safety Modernization Act Feed Industry training course held at the IGP Conference Center, gave individuals in the animal food industry the opportunity to gain an understanding of the new safety requirements and the necessary elements of an effective animal food safety plan.
“它不只是包括‘粮食的人。’很多的班,我去严格谷仓合作的人;but, when you get to look at something from the standpoint, it really opens your eyes and makes you more rounded with what you’re doing,” says Brandon Dills, ourse participant and safety and compliance officer at Co-Mark in Cheney, Kansas.
“我真的很享受在这个过程中,教官,”国家动物补编理事会从谷中心,加州的总裁Bill Bookout说。“你得到的技术信息的集中出手,它的每天8-5。教官是技术能力,但他们也很好的老师。我真的很赞扬他们在能够教导和这方面进行有效的沟通,让人们理解所教授的科目。”