“As anyone working in agriculture can attest right now, the novel coronavirus has changed the landscape for the animal food industry – both from how it is operating today to how the industry will continue feeding America’s livestock, poultry and pets into the future,” said Robert Cooper, IFEEDER’s executive director. “To successfully navigate this uncharted territory and emerge even stronger than before, the IFEEDER Board committed to identifying compelling projects that address the animal food industry’s research and knowledge gaps as well as looking for opportunities to boost stakeholder engagement.”
T受托人Chad Risley,Ph.D.,Berg + Schmidt America,LLC和A. Wayne Rod的F.L.Emmert公司以及Ifeeder的营销委员会,将导致规划努力为未来战略地位。除了这项努力之外,董事会还批准了三个新的研究项目,包括:
作为商业会议的一部分,受托人表彰了微量营养素美国有限责任公司的Bruce Crutcher作为2019-20财年主席的领导能力,并任命Belstra Milling Co.的Tim Belstra为2020-21财年主席。一些AFIA的新成员加入了IFEEDER董事会,包括:Church & Dwight Company, Inc.的Scott Druker;国际配料公司的Kevin Halpin博士;Chr的史蒂夫·勒纳(Steve Lerner)。汉森动物健康与营养;CJ Bio美国公司的乔·卢卡斯董事会还感谢几位即将离任的理事的服务:菲布罗动物卫生公司的迪恩·瓦拉斯;AB Vista, Inc.的Cathy Bandyk博士;以及达林配料公司的罗斯·汉密尔顿博士。