Jun 21, 2022

GROWMARK Foundation Launches Relief Effort for Ukraine


GROWMARK, Inc.正在与Midwest Food Bankto deliver relief to遭受战争的乌克兰.


Tender Mercies helps fight global food insecurity

Tender Mercies meals have been a hallmark of the Midwest Food Bank’s mission to fight against food insecurity across the world.


TheGROWMARK Foundationis also offering a dollar-for-dollar match for the first $5,000 donated through the program.

“This is a specific point in history when we have the opportunity to live out our noble purpose ‘to help feed and fuel the world,’” said Ann Kafer, GROWMARK executive vice president, HR and corporate services.

“Partnering with Midwest Food Bank to get high-protein, easy-to-use food into Ukraine through reputable partners is a blessing and squarely in line with who we are as an agricultural cooperative system," continued Kafer.

"It was an easy ‘yes’ for GROWMARK, and something I’m proud to support personally as well. While everyone gives in their own ways, if anyone is looking for an impactful way to support people in Ukraine, please consider this effort.”


While based in Normal, IL, Midwest Food Bank has partnerships across the globe to provide food relief in times of disaster through its Tender Mercies program.

Tender Mercies are high-protein, shelf-stable food packets that can be prepared using only boiling water, making them ideal for people who may not have access to normal cooking facilities.

To aid in Ukraine relief, Midwest Food Bank has partnered with希望车队, which is working on the ground in Ukraine and nearby countries to distribute food and other supplies to those who need them most.

“Midwest Food Bank is honored to partner with Convoy of Hope to provide food for Ukrainian refugees,” said Jada Hoerr, Midwest Food Bank chief resource officer.


做一个在线捐赠or by mailing a check made out to GROWMARK Foundation and mail to GROWMARK Foundation, c/o Karen Jones, 1701 Towanda Ave., Bloomington, IL 61701.

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