
Grain Movements on the Mississippi Remain Slow

Over 100 downbound barge tows and several upbound tows are waiting at Victoria Bend due to low water

Major navigation issues on the Mississippi River have slowed traffic and reduced demand for shipping.

According to theUSDA Grain Transportation Report, this week’s total downbound tonnage on the Mississippi, Ohio, and Arkansas Rivers was 50% lower than the previous week and 72% lower than the same week last year.

As of Tuesday afternoon, over 100 downbound barge tows and several upbound tows were waiting at Victoria Bend on the lower Mississippi, due to low water.

Delays and tow size restrictions due to shoaling and lock maintenance are a concern in other locations on the Mississippi as well.

尽管在俄亥俄河上有一些延误,但在Olmsted Lock和Dam上测得的谷物量增长了50%。

Grain movements on the Arkansas River were also down from last week, but shipments on the Arkansas contribute only a small fraction to total grain exports.

Decreased barge rates reflect lowered demand from shippers in reaction to these delays. Carriers have reported difficulty finding bids from shippers for services in some locations.

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Marketwatch: Jun, 27

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