Jan 08, 2021

Feed & Grain Announces Staff Promotions

Steven Kilger and Lisa Cleaver have both been promoted from within the brand

source: Feed & Grain

Elise Schafer, publisher ofFeed & Grain, would like to announce that Steven Kilger and Lisa Cleaver have both been promoted from within the brand.

Steven Kilger

Kilgerhas been promoted to managing editor ofFeed & Grain’smagazine from his role as associate editor. In this role he will oversee all aspects of the print publication, including editing and production of the magazine, developing and writing content, and managing contributors and the property’s vast product database.

Kilger started atFeed & Grainas an editorial intern in April 2013. He was promoted to associate editor in January 2015. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in 2013 with a degree in English with an emphasis in professional writing and editing.

Lisa Cleaver

Cleaverhas been promoted to digital content editor of feedandgrain.com. She will be charged with producing, editing and posting all digital content acrossFeed & Grain’s websites and social media platforms, including news, products, multimedia and digital advertising, as well as preparing daily, monthly and event-specific eNewsletters.

Cleaver joined theFeed & Grainteam in 2018 as digital content specialist focusing her attention on online efforts and social media. She has spent 28 years in the B2B publishing arena, creating compelling content, including feature articles, newsletters, blogs and more, in both print and digital formats. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with a bachelor's degree in communication.

“Steven and Lisa bring a wealth of industry knowledge, media experience and technical skill to their respective roles,” Shafer says. “I am excited for the for the brand to evolve with new leadership at the helm of both products.”

The promotions have been announced as Arlette Sambs,Feed & Grain’slongtime publisher,prepares to retirefrom the brand later this year. After nearly 40 years of serving the feed and grain industries, Sambs will hold a part-time sales role with the magazine through July 30.

With Sambs’ pending retirement, Schafer, who served asFeed & Grain'seditor since May 2013,assumed the role of publisherlast fall. Tasked with cultivating both the sales and editorial direction of the brand, Schafer will continue to ensureFeed & Grainprovides the best knowledge, resources and information to keep its readers in the commercial feed, grain and allied processing industries well informed.

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