Cargill推出了Simpure 92260,这是一种可溶性米粉,其味道,质地和功能与Maltodextrin相似,这是一种通常用作散装剂和风味载体的成分。
“Traditional rice flours aren’t very soluble at all – certainly nowhere near the fully soluble nature of maltodextrin,” explains Ali Weideman, commercialization strategy manager for Cargill.
“使用其专有技术,嘉吉克服了这一障碍,创造了第一个高度溶的米粉。同样重要的是,嘉吉研究(Cargill Research)证实,消费者将“可溶性米粉”视为成分。”
Weideman说:“消费者继续被简单,熟悉的成分所吸引,他们认为处理较少,对他们的健康状况更好。”“As a global leader in food ingredients, we’re keenly aware of these marketplace demands, and we support our customers with the market insights, technical expertise and a deep ingredient portfolio they need to develop food and beverage products that deliver on consumer expectations for taste, texture and label appeal.”