May 06, 2019

Beck's to Expand Seed Processing Capabilities

投资包括$62M in new soybean processing facility, seed drying equipment, and warehouses

Beck’s announces plans to expand production and processing operations at the Atlanta, IN, headquarters with a $62 million investment in a new soybean processing facility, seed drying equipment, and warehouses that are expected to be complete by 2022.

Since 1992, Beck’s has seen tremendous growth, doubling in size every 6.5 years. With new sales territories, new facility locations, and new employees, Beck’s has not only become the number one selling corn and soybean seed brand in Indiana but the third largest corn and soybean brand in the United States.

“随着我们继续发展和扩大,footprint now in 11 states, we are driven by the increasing demands of our customers who want more high performing products suited for their acres,” saiys Scott Beck, president. “This investment will allow us to more efficiently process additional units of quality soybeans each year to help meet the needs of our current and future customers.”

This expansion at Beck’s headquarters will double the processing capacity from three million to six million units per year over the next six years.

The 221’ x 300’ facility will feature a seven-story, standalone processing tower, five new warehouses for seed and equipment storage, as well as office space.

Starting in 2019, the company expects to hire 60 additional employees at this location.

“Indiana is an easy state to do business in,” notes Sonny Beck, CEO. “And because of that, we decided to build here in our home state. The foresight of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) and Hamilton County officials to upgrade the roadways near our plant will allow us to double the soybean capacity at our headquarters, improve safety and decrease traffic congestion. Not only will this increase capacity and add jobs here in Indiana, it will allow us to better serve the needs of all our customers throughout our 11-state marketing area.”

In order to support the sales and distribution of the additional soybean production, Beck’s will hire additional farmer dealers in Indiana and other states to support farmers throughout the Midwest.

Recently Added to Buyer's Guide

BinRite Grain Identification System

  • Prevents accidental mixing of different types of grain and oilseeds
  • Advanced sensors, mounted in multiple locations throughout conveying system, analyze hundreds of
    images per second to identify corn, soybeans and red wheat with 99% accuracy

BBU Big Bag Unloader

  • Designed to discharge difficult products, such as fine powders
  • Many options, including vibrating table, bottom massage paddles or side massager,can be configured with modular system

Batch High Shear Mixers

  • Equipped with Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM) technology
  • Deliver powders in efficient manner for quick wet-out and complete dispersion into low-viscosity liquids

GrainDrive™ T1000 Tube Conveyors

  • Three model sizes with capacities from 4,000 to 10,000 bushels/hour
  • Inclines are supported up to 45° with inlets and discharge transitions available in 0°, 30° and 45° increments

Combi-zone Dryer

  • Gentle and precise drying
  • High energy efficiency at a lower cost per ton

MCP Pellet Mill Controller

  • Production control that can increase efficiency by up to 15%
  • Consistency can increase pellet quality by up to 15%


Marketwatch: Mar, 23

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.2027
high: 7.2141
low: 7.1152
close: 7.2109

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

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low: 16.3004
close: 16.4004

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 10.6414
high: 10.6414
low: 10.2778
close: 10.3835

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

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close: 10.2759