Nov 03, 2021

Barchart Forecasts Slight Production Increase for Corn, Soybeans

Canadian production forecasts remain relatively unchanged


Barchart has released its final 2021 Yield and Production forecasts for U.S. and Canadian field crops.

This latest report indicates a slight increase in U.S. crop production and yield for both corn and soybeans, while Canadian production forecasts remain relatively unchanged over the past month.

“As we wrap up our 2021 crop production forecasts, we have adjusted our estimates to show a slight increase in yield for U.S. corn (182.8 bu/ac vs. 182.3 in October) and soybeans (51.4 bu/ac vs. 51.3 bu/ac in October),” says Barchart CEO Mark Haraburda.

Released for free to the public on the first Tuesday of each month during the growing season, Barchart’sCrop Production and Yield Forecastsequips users with important insights to help their crop marketing and business decisions ahead of traditional government reports from the USDA and Statistics Canada. Barchart clients can access daily updates incmdtyViewor through an API subscription.

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Marketwatch: Jun, 01

US Corn Price Idx:ZCPAUS.CM

open: 7.5664
high: 7.6359
low: 7.4056
close: 7.472

US Soybean Price Idx:ZSPAUS.CM

open: 16.9844
high: 17.0789
low: 16.3931
close: 16.4886

US Hard Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:KEPAUS.CM

open: 11.3609
high: 11.4747
low: 11.0961
close: 11.0986

US Soft Red Winter Wheat Price Idx:ZWPAUS.CM

open: 10.444
high: 10.5717
low: 10.2215
close: 10.2215