Aquabiotech Group自豪地宣布,它已经完成了荷兰Valkenswaard的Alltech Coppens AquA中心(ACAC)的发展。研究机构包括许多最先进的水产养殖系统(RAS),旨在提供能力,可以在高度控制的环境中为各种物种进行多次同时营养试验。
Each RAS unit has been custom designed so as to enable Coppens to carry out feed trials in both saltwater and freshwater conditions for a variety of species such as salmon smolts, trout and catfish, at temperature ranges from 6-28°C. The RAS units include a complete monitoring and control system with digital LED lighting, as well as tank specific faeces / pellet collection in a highly efficient design allowing for ease of use and widening of experimental limitations. The facility consists of sixty (60) tanks in four (4) separate systems with the possibility to pair the systems making two (2) larger systems for increased replication purposes. The systems are designed to operate at commercial level stocking densities and include several additional features for ease of husbandry practices by technicians; for example, a partial tank drainage system is incorporated into the small systems to allow for some tanks to drain and run at fifty (50%) percent capacity for ease of fish handling, whilst retaining the water in the systems to increase water utilisation and energy consumption efficiencies.
“我们很高兴完成该项目。我们在为盐水和淡水提供定制的RAS项目方面的经验一直是该项目成功的催化剂。Alltech Coppens International是RAS环境中营养的领导者,Alltech Coppens Aqua Center的运作将使他们能够成为水产养殖研究卓越的全球枢纽。”Aquabiotech集团RAS项目负责人Rob J. Davies说。
作为合同的一部分,Aquabiotech集团将通过监视和控制系统为Alltech Coppens Aqua中心提供远程技术支持和故障排除。水产养殖营养是全球迅速增长的行业,Aquabiotech集团已成为针对私人和公共研究设施的量身定制的RAS解决方案的领导者,并在其自己的私人水生研究机构中运营了超过25个循环水产养殖系统。位于马耳他的设施。