Group also highlights continued progress in supply chains in annual report
路易斯·德雷福斯公司(Louis Dreyfus Co.)(LDC) published its2021年可持续性报告highlighting progress in the group’s sustainability journey – from the creation of a dedicatedCarbon Solutions teamto drive Group-wide decarbonization efforts, to advances for traceability, certification and farmer engagement in product-specific supply chains.
“在日益紧迫的全球挑战的背景下,我们在2021年的运营,资产和供应连锁店中取得了长足的进步,同时确保我们的员工安全,确保供应链的连续性,并与合作伙伴一起支持农民并保护农民,并保护农民,并保护我们的运营,资产和供应连锁店的变革性可持续性策略。the environment,” said Michael Gelchie, LDC’s CEO.
LDC environmental commitments
2021年是在格拉斯哥举行的一次历史性的联合国气候会议(COP 26)的标志,当时政府和企业领导人聚集在一起讨论与巴黎协定目标一致的共同努力,以限制全球变暖。
On this occasion, LDC was among the co-signatories of a公司目的声明对于加速和协作供应链动作,符合1.5°C的途径。
迈克尔·盖尔基(Michael Gelchie)表示:“该平台被负责领先和加速发达国家的脱碳路线图,正在建立广泛的减少排放项目组合,重点是协作项目,符合我们通过合作伙伴关系解决可持续发展挑战的方法。”
“I am especially grateful for this positive performance, in a context that continued to pose many challenges,” said Michael Gelchie.
“At LDC, sustainability always starts with people – whether they are employees, contractors or other partners and stakeholders, we strive to ensure every person working for and with us goes home safe and well each day.”
LDC also reported progress in specific product lines – from piloting a new coffee responsible sourcing program and reaching 100% verification for LDC-managed citrus farms in Brazil, to continued progress on palm and soy supply chain traceability and transparency.
In 2022 and beyond, LDC will continue to fulfill its key role to source, add value to, transport and distribute food and agricultural products for an ever-growing global population, while pursuing its efforts and actions to help shape fair and sustainable supply chains – important among these, the Group’s commitment to到2025年底,从其供应链中消除了森林砍伐和本地植被转化。